"I Love You, Lord"–With Additional Verses by John Piper

Last week, April 2, the song I wanted to do my weekly Musical Notes post on, was a special version of “I Love You, Lord”. What makes it special when we sing it at Bethlehem, are the two extra verses that Pastor John Piper wrote for the song. I tried finding the lyrics last week, but to no avail. I finally emailed Bethlehem’s office and they were kind enough to send me the lyrics. I hope they bless you as they have blessed me.


I Love You, Lord

by Laurie Klein (v. 1 & music)
by John Piper (v. 2, 3)

I love you, Lord, and I lift my voice
To worship you, O my soul, rejoice!
Take joy, my King, in what you hear:
May it be a sweet, sweet sound in your ear.

I love You, Lord, and I stand amazed;
My sins are gone! May Your name be praised!
Exult, my soul! And behold His face;
I will ever sing, O my King, of Your grace.

I love You, Lord, and for You I wait:
Your promises and Your power are great!
Make haste, my God, may I taste Your ways;
I will magnify Your sweet peace all of my days.

Music and Verse 1  © 1978 House of Mercy Music
(admin. by Maranatha! Music) CCLI# 130553


In case you are unfamiliar with this song, you can click here for an example of the melody. You can click here for a guitar chord sheet. And you can read the interesting story of the song (minus John Piper’s words) here.

∼striving for the unity of the faith for the glory of God∼ Eph. 4:3,13 “¢ Rom. 15:5-7

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