Yeah, That's Me

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Young, Restless, Reformed


Yeah, that’s me.   Okay, maybe I don’t wear the shirt, and I don’t carry any card, but I am young, somewhat restless, and reformed.

The link takes you to Christianity Today‘s most recent cover article with the above title. It is an excellent article, thoughtful and fair. It is every bit as good as I thought it might be. It describes the phenomenon well. I can’t really find something to excerpt, you just got to go read it all. (HT: Ben Wright for letting me know it was finally online)

∼striving for the unity of the faith for the glory of God∼ Eph. 4:3,13 “¢ Rom. 15:5-7

5 thoughts on “Yeah, That's Me

  1. I read my copy of Christianity Today, last week.
    Very good article on Calvinism. I thought it was especially good stating the distinct differences in the Baptist Tradition, on Calvinism.

  2. Interesting article. 10 months ago, I had no idea Calvinism was becoming popular…I just started studying reformed theology in order to refute it. Surpisingly, I became convinced otherwise. Now, I would consider myself a 4.78657 point Calvinist…I’m still working through issues and questions.

  3. It’s amazing how God works, isn’t it Joe? At the very least you understand the motivation of Calvinists. Even if one does not accept all 5 points solidly, they must admit that Calvinists are trying to be true to Scripture first, and experience second.

    God bless,


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