Serious Satire

I recently came across a seriously funny site. The TomintheBox News Network is a blog by Thomas Slawson which offers parodies of evangelicalism, in the vein of Purgatorio and The League of Tyndale. Many of them are quite silly and harmless, while quite a few drive home a serious point. All of them are so well written, that you’ll be tempted to think they are true.

I read thru Tom’s whole blog the other night (its new as of January). And I must confess I was looking for entertainment. Being the Calvinist I am, certain posts made me crack up, like this one, and this one, and also this one (you have to go to those links by the way). He takes jabs at everyone from Robert Schuller to Peter Ruckman.

A few of his posts took aim at extreme fundamentalism. And I found this post absolutely hillarious. He leads you into thinking one thing, and then unloads his point. Now I say it is funny, (and I really want you to read it, so I’m not going to quote from it or anything) and it is. But it really isn’t. He makes an important point thru satire.

So I want you to read that post, and give me your thoughts, if you would. (I have personal connections which lead me to believe the post is not too much of a stretch.) And if you’re interested, there are two similar posts here, and here.

Before I go, I need to credit Rhett Kelley for directing me to that blog. I think I saw links from other places too, but Rhett gets the credit. I’m sure a lot of you will get a kick out of this blog, so go ahead and check it out.

And one more thing, click here to read something which should be satire, yet it isn’t. It’s the sad story of extremism gone wild, told by James White. (Note: The people in this last link are not what I think of when I talk about IFBx. They are far worse, and I don’t want to smear strict fundamentalists by suggesting they approve of or condone this kind of fanatacism.)

8 thoughts on “Serious Satire

  1. My wife spent a semester at PCC before we were married. She didn’t know very much about Reformed theology in those days, so she probably doesn’t have any personal experience with the theological application, but she has plenty of unbelievable stories about the rules and their application. This is totally true if applied to CCM music!

  2. I was just wondering. Does anyone have to go to PCC in America or is it a choice? I don’t recommend PCC either, but people go there with their eyes wide open, and they can leave if they want. I heard they’re pretty strict at West Point too. How horrible!! I think they should loosen up, what say ye? I can think of a whole bunch of very, very funny satires about Calvinists and those who blame their situations on others. I think I’ll do that, and you guys can let me know how funny it is. 🙂

    For clean, wholesome, uplifting humor,

    Kent Brandenburg

  3. Don,

    You are right about the CCM application. Also they are pretty rigid in enforcing other rules. I guess if you have the rules you ought to enforce them. But at times it seems like the environment becomes quite repressive.

    I understand how Kent and others might respond to this. And I can empathize with some of the reasoning for some of the rules. But there ought to be some freedom and they don’t have to think the worst of their young adult students.

    And behind the rigid rules is an ideology which goes hand in hand with legalism. It can easily cater to a legalistic, performance based, externals focused, religion. And in that sense, I think it truly is dangerous.

  4. Kent,

    Unfortunately PCC has many “unwritten” rules. So you can’t go there with “your eyes open.” Their student handbook has plenty of rules that you can read before you go, but after you get there there are many other rules that you “learn as you go.” Yes, you can leave anytime you want, but forget getting your money back. Any student that leaves or is kicked out will have no refund of money already paid.

    I have no problem with a school that has strict rules. Have as many rules as you want. Just be up front and honest with students and parents BEFOREHAND!

  5. Tominthebox is awesome!

    If you look at my March 30th post you’ll see that NetFinney is for real! And Google uses it! 😉



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