Mike Huckabee for President

ExploreHuckabee.com - I Like Mike!I don’t delve into politics much on this blog. Frankly, it frustrates me too much. I don’t like the left spin on things, but I can see there is often a right spin too. Journalism in today’s world of sound bites and infomania, can’t help but be biased. And biased, it most certainly is. So much so, I tune most of it out.

So why am I promoting a candidate here on my blog? Because I really think Mike Huckabee is an exceptional candidate. I want to spread the word and encourage you bloggers out there to get a button, and support Huckabee for president.

This has nothing to do with Mitt Romney’s religion. I honestly don’t follow things all that closely, but I do know there are only a few candidates out there that right wing Evangelicals would be comfortable with. It’s funny, but the real reason I like Huckabee is that he doesn’t fit a right wing Evangelical mold.

Huckabee is pro-life and pro-2nd amendment (2 key issues for me). But he explains the pro-life position as obligating him to support health care for kids and clean drinking water, and a safe, clean environment, etc. “Life starts at conception but doesn’t end at birth,” he quips.

Huckabee has written a book, where he says we need to get away from “horizontal politics” and move toward “vertical politics”. Instead of everything being right vs. left, America needs a proactive leadership to take us somewhere — to lift us up and give hope.

Optimism describes Huckabee. And his 10+ year tenure as governor of Arkansas proves he not only has a “can do spirit”, but that he really can do it.

I encourage you to check out Huckabee for president. Pray for him and pull for him. I think he would be an incredible blessing to our nation. And he could do that, even if he loses a tight primary race or the presidential race — just by spreading his message.

So check him out. You can start with this article, from World magazine (which is what got me excited about Huckabee in the first place). If you aren’t a subscriber, you should give that magazine a try, by the way. I also found this blog post by Brian McCrorie insightful. It was Brian’s site, by the way, where I first noticed the great Blog Buttons for Huckabee.

Brian also highlighted a great series of posts on YouTube describing Huckabee’s 10 year stint as Arkansas governor. I think Brian’s post misses a few of the clips, but with YouTube you can find them all easily enough. It will take about 30 minutes or more to watch them all. If you want a shorter video clip, this interview with George Stephanopoulos really allows him to explain his positions quite well. And of course a great way to learn about Huckabee, is to read his thoughts on the issues, as you explore his website.

So do some research, and then you’ll understand why I think Huckabee is right for America. Once you’re convinced, join me in supporting Huckabee on your blog. Hey, he’s the underdog right now, and everyone loves to cheer an underdog on. So “Go Huckabee!”

ExploreHuckabee.com - I Like Mike!

24 thoughts on “Mike Huckabee for President

  1. Thanks for all the links. I really appreciated learning more about him. I was inspired and excited about his potential. I’m not sure about his reason for being pro-life, but I will wait to hear more before I say more.

  2. Don,

    I forgot to mention that he is a former Baptist pastor. He also was the president of the Arkansas Baptist Convention (SBC). He mentioned in one of the interviews I watched, that he’s been pro life since he was a teen. He has also stated he would have signed the recent bill that almost passed thru SD legislature that would ban abortions. He is pretty dogmatic about pro life. Yet he wants to not make it his only issue.

    Glad you checked this candidate out.

    Blessings in Christ,


  3. I know Mike Huckabee personally and I can tell you he is a genuine and wonderful Christian man who knows he will one day be judged by a power far greater than any constituency. As a result, he leads according to his convictions without regard to the opinions of interest groups or media. He may be the first true LEADER we’ve had in American politics since Reagan.

    Thanks for doing your homework and for your support.


  4. I didn’t even know he was a candidate, but I will be sure and check him out. I was kind of holding out for Newt myself. I think he is a straight talker and has the kind of attitude we need in a president. Thanks for the info on Huckabee.

  5. Dave,

    There was an interesting article in this week’s World magazine about Newt. I kind of hope he doesn’t run. I’m not sure he’d make the best leader, or that he’d win the evangelical vote.

    Thanks for commenting.



  6. Too much scandal surrounding Santorum? I wasn’t aware of any scandals around him at all. I have heard him on the Glenn Beck program a few times, and have been somewhat impressed. Bob, can you elaborate on what’s up with Santorum and any scandals around him?

  7. I checked out his site. He pretty much has all the same views as George Bush did before he became president.

    I have lost faith in ANY canidate who says they will fight to protect life. Time and again we get the promises from these conservatives but there are never any advances in banning full abortions.

  8. Larry,

    My bad. I was thinking Ralph Reed / Jack Abramoff.

    This blunder proves the validity of my post’s first paragraph!!


    Santorum would be good. He may be too conservative to win. Same goes for Huckabee, except Huckabee has an appeal with the weight loss thing, and with his innovative and winsome way of describing his positions.

    He is definitely firm for pro life. He makes no bones about it. The links to interview clips from his website make that clear too. But his 10 year governorship qualifies him better for the executive office, plus it gives him experience with working with democrats to achieve some things.

    He has a point that 4 out of 5 of the last presidents were governors. If you get a chance, watch the clips in the link to Brian McCrorie’s site. The clips are a documentary of sorts on his 10 year governorship. It is inspiring for sure.

    I’m pulling for Huckabee. The race is so wide open right now, I hope that gives him a chance. I hope Newt stays out of it, too.

  9. Kooz,

    Thanks for the comments. It might be that getting congress to pass more pro life agenda is difficult. There’s hope, though, as national and public opinion is slowly changing. Especially as latinos become a bigger % of the populace.

    At least we can be glad that Bush has vetoed some cloning bills and stuff.

    I think Huckabee would be an improvement on Bush, personally. He wouldn’t be as apt to try to “spiritualize” things so much. He would just be doing what is right and trying to improve the country — applying his faith in the field of leadership.

    Huckabee has some interesting things to say, and hopefully his contributions at the least will help some people to get out of the strictly “horizontal politics” mode. His book would be worth checking out, I think.

    Blessings in Christ,


  10. Not that it’s a ‘problem’, but Santorum is a Roman Catholic, but I believe that he would be a good candidate within a conservative presidential administration– possibly as a vice-Presidential candidate. You have a good point about a governor having executive experience, which is beneficial to the candidate’s ability to get things done.

    On the other hand, I’m one who isn’t very optimistic about the direction that the general voting public is going. It is obvious to us now that the Democrats in congress have no interest in getting along with the President, even throwing in pork and hackneying the War on Terror in Iraq. I know that conservatives were angry at the Republican party in the elections of 2006, but you get a more antagonistic group of politicians by not getting out to vote for Republican candidates who are more favorable to the President’s agenda. Democrats aren’t interested in victory on the war on terrorism, which can be seen in their votes in congress on Iraq war funding. I can’t fathom having a RINO in the Oval Office if we don’t get out to vote.

  11. Generally, I try to support the top running candidates, but this election I’m not impressed with them. I see Mike Huckabee as the best candidate. I’m going to support him during this campaign.

  12. Anonymous,

    Thanks for commenting. Especially with the race so wide open at this point, we would do well to jump behind some of the candidates who are “best”. Give them a chance to be front running.


    Bob Hayton

  13. Republicans like to slam John Edwards somewhat like former Republican representative Mark Foley likes to slam underage teenage boys.

  14. Yes, I’m liking what I’ve read thus far about Huckabee. I am definitely considering him as the best choice thus far.

  15. I is my ideal candidate. He supports Music Education and the Fair Tax.

    Huckabee should pick Duncan Hunter as his running mate.

    Hunter support creating more manufacturing jobs, building a border fence within six months, and to continue to stand up the Iraqi Army so that our troop can leave.

    Huckabee/Hunter ’08

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