Orange No More

Were any of you all sick of orange too?

I have been yearning for a blog design change for a while now. And I had been hoping to get rid of some of the clutter in my sidebar. I don’t know if I succeeded in that, but I am happy with the new look.

I wonder if anyone remembers the old Blogger version of this blog? Red, gray, and some tan — remember? Then who could forget the olive green garb the blog took on as I moved my blog to WordPress, July of last year. Since March, I was using the three column orange themed design that hopefully you remember quite well.

Well, this then is Fundamentally Reformed 4.0! I really like the color scheme and overall design. I am going to have to get used to having just one post display on the home page, however. That’s the main drawback, but there really aren’t any other choices I like for a three column design that uses widgets. Besides, this theme lends itself well to the use of more pages. And that is where I wanted to go with the blog.

I am planning to update each of the pages (they run along the top of the blog, under the header) in the near future. The one requiring the most work is the “Topics” page. I hope to list all the discussion topics I’ve had with the blog. It will be something like a site map, when I get finished with it. I’m hoping it will be a great place to start with, for those first coming across my blog.

Well, I’ve introduced the new design. It was my easiest design transition yet! If any of you have helpful suggestions, or constructive critique, please let me know. I’m glad you all read my blog. But my blog is, mine after all! And I like the design change.

Oh, and “Regler joe”, you can have your orange!

31 thoughts on “Orange No More

  1. You can probably put more posts on the front page with a quick code modification. I’d look around the code for the main page in the template files.

  2. Casey, is free, unlike the software. On the .com site, I’d have to pay to upgrade to be able to mess with code. They allow you to do limited stuff with HTML, but no CSS. And you have no access to the template files.

    I like free, so I’m stuck with what I can get!

    Glad you like it though. Thanks for dropping by!

  3. Oh, I didn’t realize that. You do know you can get a domain from for less than $9 a year, right? Then you could get hosting from for less than $84 a year. The wordpress software itself is free, so you’d be looking at less than $100 a year. Anyway, just something to consider. šŸ˜€

  4. Looks good Bob. It’s unfortunate that WordPress hosting does not permit CSS changes. That is one of the major reasons I use Blogger instead, since it gives me the flexibility to create my own look (although you can see I haven’t changed it that much). If you have the time, money, and inclination, you could do well to look into hosting. I suspect you could do a lot better than $100 a year; if you shop around, $50 should be quite doable.

    In Christ,

  5. Greg, thanks!


    I do like the new features Blogger offers now, my team missions blog (Kingdom Surge), utilizes Blogger. But WordPress lets you edit comments, and is much easier for editing posts, finding posts, and more user friendly.

    Now if all my readers started a collection…. šŸ˜‰

  6. Hopefully all of my readers don’t mind a few extra clicks due to the one post thing. I assume a lot of you read via RSS reader anyways. Let me know what you think. If I get an avalanche of comments I may just change the design, but I like the new one as is.

  7. I also like the new look! Very fresh and contemporary. I only go to the trouble of a few more clicks for my favorite bloggers. It’s a good thing that you are in that group.

  8. love the new look bro! but don’t be pickin’ on my boy regler Joe! lol orange or not, he has spurgeon photoshoped in a truck, and that’s got to be worth something!

  9. Hank,

    I helped Joe get the Big Orange Truck going. He and I are blogging buds. I’m just ribbing him.

    ‘Course he has’nt posted in a while now. I hope the truck gets rolling again, sometime soon.

    Glad you like the new look.

  10. Somehow I posted this response to Don Fields on the wrong post. Here goes…

    Thanks, Don. We’ll see how this all works out. For now we’ll stick with the cool design. I need change šŸ™‚

  11. Ryan,

    Can’t please everyone! You can do bolds and italics, even though it seems to imply you can’t. We’ll see how this goes, and if WP ever adds some more cool three column themes.

  12. For some reason, the word wrap function isn’t working on my computer. The comments box hides some portions of my sentences while typing comments. Is this something I need to fix on my computer or is it a problem with the ‘new’ website?

    I guess I’m just an old fuddy duddy, but I liked the orange better, personally. I’m also the person who gets irritated when websites change their format. I get used to the way things have always been. Sheesh, Bob, you can’t please everyone!

  13. Bob, Bob, Bob….Change is bad! We all know that.

    When I saw the title of this post, I assumed that it meant that Bog Orange Truck was coming off your blogroll…

    I actually like the new look, but having just one post on the front page kind of stinks…

  14. Larry,

    Try expanding the comment box, maybe. You can click on the “+” sign right below it. I’m not having a problem with it, personally. I’m using Firefox as a browser, I’ve yet to see if the other browsers have problems with it or not. You should be able to press the old “return” key, though, if needed.

  15. You all are died-in-the-wool fundies! Change is good! I do appreciate the feedback, the general sense I get is it looks cool but has a few drawbacks. Lets try it for a while, and if you are having problems with it, continue to update me on it. I’m going to give some feedback and see if WP can improve some things about it.

    Thanks to one and all!

  16. OK, let me try this again. I’m at work using an updated browser (my home computer still has MSIE 6). Apparently it’s working fine here at my work computer. Perhaps I should update my browser at home. Thanks!

  17. Larry,

    You should just download Firefox. It has lots of nice features, and is a great browser. I don’t like IE 7. IE 6 is standard fare for many applications. If its not working in IE 6, I’ll have to see if WP can fix it. IE 6 isn’t outdated, necessarily. IE 7 just has some crazy quirks, etc.

  18. Ryan,

    I see your point now. It would be nice to have the comments numbered, or at least a way to jump to one in question. More and more I am unsatisfied with this theme.

    Stay tuned, all…..

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