Proof Mike Huckabee Has an Across-the-Aisle Appeal

We all know Mike Huckabee is a true conservative, and has a good chance of gaining broad support from the Republican base. But this is one reason why I believe Mike Huckabee can win the general election.
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9 thoughts on “Proof Mike Huckabee Has an Across-the-Aisle Appeal

  1. Mike is a great candidate because he can find conservative solutions to typically liberal issues. I am watching him closely and think he just might have a shot at getting my loyalty.

  2. I really hope this man wins…I really do. I’m afraid though, that it will all boil down to how much money he can raise. Hope he does well!


  3. Immigration seems to be his only liberal views. Which is one of the most important issue facing Americans – but just because a candidate (regardless of slant) has one issue that appeals to liberals/moderates/conservatives doesn’t mean he is a moderate.

  4. I don’t claim him a moderate. I think he is a winsome conservative, who advocates many liberal causes. He stands for main street America not Wall Street. And I think he connects with voters across party lines.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  5. One thing that really attracted me to Mike is reading that his pro-life values extend beyond just the issue of abortion. His respect for human life seems to allow him to transcend party lines when considering the complex immigration issue and evaluate each situation on it’s own merit.

    I have found that through ministering to the Hispanics in my community – there are lots of exceptions to the stereo types. It is possible to have a paradigm shift, without altering your core values regarding faith and family. I think Mike gets that. And that doesn’t make me or him liberal.

    Thought for Today:
    “One law rules over all other laws. This royal law is found in the Scriptures : Love other people the same as you love yourself. If you obey this law, then you are doing right…
    Yes, you must show mercy to other people. If you do not show mercy, then God will not show mercy to you when he judges you. But the person who shows mercy can stand without fear when he is judged.” James 2:9&13

    Have a blessed day – and let’s pray for a groundswell of support for Mike Huckabee!

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