The Baptizoblogodebate!

Justin Taylor named this whole debate. It is officially the “baptizoblogodebate”.

It is a new era for Christian blogging, in my opinion. As Adrian Warnock recently said, “It is surely the first time in living memory that those who I can only think to call the ‘big guns’ have used the blogging medium to have a serious theological debate in front of the rest of us.” We are witnessing a conversation between John Piper, Wayne Grudem, Mark Dever, Ligon Duncan, and now Sam Storms. This debate has been charitable and enlightening. And we can thank blogging wizards, Warnock and Taylor for helping to facilitate. With pieces of the debate on Justin Taylor’s blog, Desiring God’s blog, Reformation 21 blog, Church Matters, Adrian Warnock’s blog, and Together 4 the Gospel’s blog–their summary posts have been very helpful.

Now for a quick update. Justin Taylor summarizes the main posts of the debate helpfully here. My post here, links to all my posts on the issue with their links to other posts touching the debate (such as Vern Poythress’ articles on young children & baptism, and summaries of the Reformed paedobaptist position). And now Ligon Duncan has begun a series answering the question raised by Sam Storms: “How can you be ‘together for the Gospel,’ but not together at the Lord’s Table or in church membership?”.

Finally, this debate has brought up the following question: Is Membership in 1 Local Church Biblical? I would love your thoughts on that last question.AddThis Social Bookmark Button