A Study Bible You’ll Use

If you are like me you have 2 or 3 study Bibles filed away on a bookshelf somewhere. They rarely get used; and when they do, they aren’t much help. I don’t know why, but study Bibles always seem better on the bookstore shelf than they actually are.

But I’ve found a study Bible I would actually use. It’s the new ESV Literary Study Bible by Leland & Phillip Graham Ryken.

I don’t own this Bible, but it is now on my wishlist. If the Bible lives up to the review Tony Reinke gave at The Shepherd’s Scrapbook, then I’m sure it is a must-have.

It stresses the literary aspect of the Bible which is so often overlooked, and it provides helpful prenotes, providing a preview of each section you are about to read.

I can do no more here than to encourage you to check out Tony’s review. Tony’s challenge is to go to your local bookstore, pick up the book and read the entire book of Job, notes and all. By then you’ll be convinced of the merits of this study Bible. He makes me want to go and do just that.

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