4000, 560, and 3

Warning, this is a self-serving, post. Read at your own risk…

I just realized I recently went over the 4,000 comments mark. My review of O. Palmer Robertson’s The Israel of God, created a pingback on one of my older posts back on 11/10 and that was #4,000. Then, on 11/13, David Kjos, the Thirsty Theologian, started the fifth milleniad of comments around here. I hit the 2,000 comment mark back in August of 2007, so the second 2,000 comments came in much quicker than the first.

This is also my 560th post, and this last month marked the completion of three full years of blogging. My actual blogiversary is 10/9; but I only added one more post that month, and two in November 2005. I really didn’t start blogging until December 2005, and today is the anniversary of the posting of “My Story”. That post now has 105 comments.

I’d been meaning to blog about my 3rd blogiversary, so today’s a good day to do that, especially since Jamsco mentioned today was his 501st post. (He’s gonna catch me for sure).

All of this just to say “I’m three!” No, the blog’s three, me, well…..

8 thoughts on “4000, 560, and 3

  1. WordPress.com just recently enabled favicons for those of us with free service. I like the favicon but now I need to tweak my design to match it more, I think. Then again it kind of goes with the look around here.

    Thanks y’all for helping me get closer to the 5,000 comment mark, too! We’re at about 4,083 no this will make it 4,084.

    Thanks guys.

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