More IFB Abuse in the News

This April, some of you know that ABC News’ 20/20 program did an hour long special on the Independent Fundamental Baptist church movement and repeated allegations of sexual abuse — focusing in on a case that happened in Concord, New Hampshire at a church pastored at the time by Chuck Phelps. You can read the posts I did as a follow up to that report, here.

Well, I just learned that CNN’s 360 program with Anderson Cooper has been running a series entitled “Ungodly Discipline”. In their first hour long show on Thursday 9/1, they boomeranged off the sad case of a couple who beat their seven year old daughter to death following the principles from Michael and Debi Pearl’s book To Train Up a Child (a book I was encouraged to purchase at my fundamentalist college). This couple literally spanked the child for seven hours with small breaks for bathroom and prayer. Then the show interviewed the Pearls about their book and their take on spanking. The president of the Bible College I attended was then quoted in a sermon of his on spanking, and Jocelyn Zichterman (who was instrumental in the ABC News program) was interviewed. Next, there was a segment on the alleged abuse cases at Hephzibah House, a home for troubled girls in Indiana. Finally, a closing segment interviewed Bruce Feiler (author of several books explaining evangelical culture) and Jeffrey Toobin (the legal consultant for the show) on how much leeway parents have in spanking their children, legally today.

I wanted to share the videos here and begin discussing the tragedy of such physical abuse perpetrated in the name of the Lord among hyper-fundamentalist Christians. I want to look further at the topic of spanking, and what we are supposed to do about these kinds of cases. I think the time for hiding behind a desire not to spread misinformation and stretched-truths is behind me. Enough has been said and shared that the stories are quite believable. And at the very least those who are alleged to be promoting this kind of physical abuse need to stand up and face the music. They should defend what they are doing by the Bible and distance themselves from this pattern of abuse. And if they don’t, we’ll have the confirmation we need of the many stories we’ve heard. People need to be warned, and enough is enough.

So watch the four segments below (we’ll treat the Hephzibah House segment on its own post). I have learned that another episode is planned that focuses in directly on my alma mater, Fairhaven Baptist College. That show is to air Thursday, 9/22. I’ll be following it closely, but from some of the stories I have read over the last few months, I’m not surprised. In fact, I hope the truth comes out, and that the many who are being misled and harmed by the leadership (whether intentionally or not), will be awakened to evil that has been allowed to flourish.

UPDATE: since this was hard to load for some people, I have just included links to the individual video segments that you can watch on CNN.

part 1

part 2

part 3

Concluding interview.

After watching these videos you may want to check out Mike Durning’s helpful summary and description of the show along with his take on it, posted at Sharper Iron.

13 thoughts on “More IFB Abuse in the News

  1. Kevin and his wife deserve to go to jail for the brutality and abuse inflicted upon their children. If his actions killed his adopted daughter, then I would opt for the death penalty.
    I feel for Jocelyn. Her hurt and bitterness is evident in the coverage. She shouldn’t generalize though. This conversation shouldn’t just zero in on IFB, because it transcends religious affiliations. All across the board, child abuse is sinful, wrong, and criminal. Bible discipline isn’t.

    1. Bill, I agree with what you said, but I’m wondering just how specific the Bible is on how hard to spank, how often, for what, and to children of what age. The more I study the Bible not just the interpretations which were handed to me, the more I’m troubled by this whole matter. But I’ll be trying to formulate my thoughts in a more coherent matter in the next couple weeks here at my blog.

      Thanks for dropping by.


      1. Douglas Wilson has many good thoughts on the topic of child discipline. I would be closer to his view than say someone like Michael Pearl.

  2. I would never defend these fundy fools who abuse their authority from the pulpit to the bedroom! They are sick perverts.

    However, I can’t ignore that the godless liberal media have their own agenda and they would love to go after other good parents who rightly discipline their children by means of spanking. My dad let me have it when I deserved it while I was growing up, but he never “tortured” me.

  3. Bob, I’m glad you’re talking about this.

    For what it is worth, I disagree with Bill. In my experience of decades in fundamentalism (both from the Hyles and BJU perspectives and others in between that consider themselves balanced), child abuse that comes from IFB teaching is especially dangerous because the child’s soul is at stake. I’ve moved all over — many states, been a part of many prominent IFB churches and spend dozens of hours listening to recorded sermons on child rearing/training. I’ve also read every book out there recommended in IFB circles. Parents are advised to calmly spank until the child is submitted–to win the battle of the wills. Don’t spank in anger, but if the spanking is not producing desired results, the parent isn’t spanking hard enough or consistently enough.

    I’ve read many comments online where people considering themselves good, loving, godly parents cannot understand how the Schatz’s did what they did. I can understand how in their conscientious efforts to follow what they believed were biblical injunctions, they injured their daughter to the point that her kidneys stopped functioning and she died. I know kids that got spanked that way from my own growing years. I’ve still never spoken publicly about some of the things I witnessed at Christian schools I attended. Horrific “spankings” that went on and on–excessive numbers of swats. For a long time, I figured no one would believe me. Funny how all my siblings say the same thing.

    I have a few documents on Scribd where I’ve taken the time to show standard IFB teaching on spanking. One came from PCC, one from MBBC, and the others are related. I put those documents up last spring and haven’t had the time to go find more, but it would be easy to do it.

    This is a HUGE problem in the IFB. With absolutely no regard for the backgrounds of their congregation, pastors preach these things–it is common–even normal. Consider new Christians being taught these things that grew up in angry, non-Christian homes that really want more than anything else to do better as parents. Consider how those with a lack of maturity and discernment handle it. Well-meaning people doing their best to follow the teaching given to them. Maybe one day I’ll talk about how people like that can with all the best intentions in the world abuse their children. I know some that did who have never ceased to regret it.

  4. Laurie, child abuse is a perversion of child discipline. While I certainly hate to hear of any child being tortured and/or abused (and it makes my skin crawl to think of this, believe me), I am careful not to reject God’s instructions about the home. In the end I believe it is only by God’s grace that any child turns out to live for God.

  5. I am so glad these posts haven’t been taken down. This is truly a help from victims of IFB abuse and/or molestation and for family and friends of victims as well.

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