Desiring God 2011 Conference Wrap Up

The Desiring God National Conference was this past weekend, I wanted to provide the links to the audio/video from the conference for my readers. It looks like a worthy use of your time to be encouraged and challenged about global missions.

Session 1
The Global God Who Gives the Great  Commission
Louie Giglio

Session 2
The Glory of God, the Lostness of Man, and the Gospel of  Christ
David Platt

Session 3
Courage, Christ, and Finishing the  Mission
Michael Ramsden

Session 4
From Every Land to Every Land: The Internationalization of Missions — Its Potential and the  Price
Michael Oh

Session 5
Speaker Panel: David Platt, Michael Ramsden, Michael Oh, Ed Stetzer, John  Piper
David Mathis

Session 6
The Church, The Neighborhood, and the  Nations
Ed Stetzer

Session 7
Let the Peoples Praise You, O God, Let All the Peoples Praise  You!
John Piper

Speaker Interview
Greg Livingstone, David Sitton
John Piper

3 thoughts on “Desiring God 2011 Conference Wrap Up

  1. really bummed they didn’t post david sitton’s breakout session on the desiring god site. it was one of the most passionate pleas for missions martyrs i’ve ever heard!

    1. The DG Blog did say “Video and audio from the seminar tracks are forthcoming this week.” So maybe it will be posted later??? I’ll be looking for it, I know my brother heard Sitton speak about martyrdom back a few years ago at Bethlehem’s Conference for Pastors, I think, and was deeply moved by it, too.

      Thanks for dropping by.

  2. Some good sessions but I could’t help but notice the contrast between the the WHI session and some of the speakers. I was hoping for a more consistent reformed view

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