My Story, Take 2

If you’ve tried to wade through my long telling of my story, I pity you! Thanks for taking that time, however. Over the last 4 years many have, and quite a few have dropped a line to let me know they were blessed by it.

Now, for a new group blog of reforming fundamentalists, I have posted a shorter and hopefully more readable story. Eventually I’ll be bringing that edition over to my blog. But for now, go over and check out Fundamentally Changed, and read my story, take 2.

The group blog is led by many of the founders of the Transformed by Grace group site. It is intended to be a single source of relevant and important articles and posts on IFB fundamentalism, from a reforming fundamentalist perspective. I hope to contribute to it from time to time.

Wine and the Christian

Tim Archer just finished up a good series on wine and the Christian. He tries his best to present the entire teaching of Scripture on the topic as he reviews all the pertinent Scriptural passages briefly.   His series in effect, presents a bird’s eye view of the issue, in a non-combative, irenic way. I encourage you to check it out.

He does quote one of my posts, in the series, and he also links to a few of my previous posts on this thorny issue. So of course this bodes well for his series!

Check out his twelfth post, which includes links to all the previous ones. You can click here to see some helpful links on the subject too. Feel free to peruse my previous posts on this issue as well.

Generational Patricide

In a recent forums discussion at Sharper Iron, I came across some insightful and I thought quite helpful comments on what I call “generational patricide”. We were discussing Phil Johnson’s recent post explaining the demise of Neo-Evangelicalism. He wrote off the entire movement with nearly the same fervor he showed when declaring that the independent fundamentalist (mostly Baptist) movement is dead.

Now, it is common for former fundamentalists, like myself, to write off our former movement completely, just as Johnson dismisses Neo-Evangelicalism as just a mistake. I do grant Phil much more academic credentials than the average young fundamentalist (or reforming fundamentalist). Still, the tendency to write off the previous generation seems to be a normal human reaction. This is evidenced by how the emergent movement disdains the evangelicalism that birthed it.

Anyway, I think the following comments by Joseph are spot on. They should give us all pause, and encourage us to think more deeply about the movements we have left. Hopefully it can help us carefully step out into the future in a more charitable spirit toward our forebears.

First, it is a common historical occurrence that one group will emerge or coalesce as a reaction to a set of concerns, and when those concerns seem less relevant or are a matter of history, many within that group will criticize the group itself as being a mistake, as having serious problems, etc.. What happens here is that people ignore the fact that much of their criticism is only possible because of the successes of the original reaction.

Fundamentalism was, truly, a disaster for a robust, more-than-merely-orthodox Christianity; having a powerful intellectual and social testimony is not something unusual in Christianity. From the witness of the early church’s social practices to the likes of theologians like Augustine, it has historically not been that case that orthodox Christianity has to place itself within a cultural and intellectual ghetto. So, Fundamentalism, itself an important reaction to modernism with many successes, truly had the weaknesses New Evangelicals saw in it.

Now, a couple generations later, it’s easy for Fundamentalists and people like Johnson to criticize New Evangelicalism, even though, if we imagine it away, the vast majority of our textbooks in conservative seminaries and colleges as well as some of our best theological and historical thinking as conservative Christians gets imagined away as well.

So, like the New Evangelical reaction to Fundamentalism, this reaction to the New Evangelicalism is predicated on the inadequately acknowledged successes of New Evangelicalism. In that sense, it’s no better off, structurally, than Emergents or anyone else, for all these groups, in their failure to properly acknowledge their debt to those things that they criticize, react in an unbalanced way, and therefore produced equally if not more narrow slices of the Christian pie that only appeal to an equally narrow constituency. I think most of the criticisms of New Evangelicalism are sound; but I think they are also wrong in that they often them stem from a profoundly imbalanced conception of their significance and meaning, when the fact of the matter is that the clarity of the intellectual hindsight that produces such cogent criticism is often enabled by the successes of that which is being criticized (e.g. David Wells, sitting in his perch at Gordon-Conwell, issuing some of the best and most powerful criticisms of evangelical Christianity as a whole, is a good example; he’s right, but if you’re not balanced, you miss the obvious implications of his being paid to study and write by Gordon-Conwell and other funding institutions).

The tendency of every group and generation is to kill its father, which it can only do after it has been nourished and supported by and gained some independence from that which it later attacks. The only way such patricide can be mitigated is through the balanced integration of sharp, necessary criticism with a profound acknowledgement of its indebtedness — and the implications of such indebtedness — to that which it criticizes. That is something too often lacking in criticisms of any movement, in this case New Evangelicalism. And this imbalanced criticism comes down on our heads when the generation following us rises up, as the Emergents and many others have done, to decry a lack of balance, etc. in those groups that fostered them and to repudiate them with a breathtaking recklessness and ungratefulness. If we wish to avoid that, we must model the better way. [from this comment]

I’ve been thinking about what I wrote for a long time, and Phil’s comments were the occasion for putting them down. What you highlight is really important, I think, especially as a critique or warning for anyone who founds their identity on a movement; generally speaking, that’s just not a good idea – it will only maintain itself for a generation, and in order to survive it naturally institutionalizes; but the institutions that result are often reflective of concerns, emphases, and modes of expressions that passed with the original founders of the movement, and thus they often represent a kind of rigid, narrow, a provincial outlook if they fundamentally seek to ground their identity in the original movement.

If I ever wrote on either Fundamentalism or New Evangelicalism, my titles wouldn’t be about how they are dead, they would be: “After Fundamentalism” or “After New Evangelicalism.” Not stark repudiations, but recognitions that history has changed, new problems have emerged, and what we should gain from these movements is not a rigid commitment to their historically particular expressions, but to the fruit they bore and to the commitment they manifested to the principles, truths, and the one institution (the Church) that don’t pass away with history. Anything more than this and we’ll inevitably lapse into (unnecessary) provincialism and undercontextualization to our current context, a problem that, as Keller as noted, is no better than over-contextualization, for it simply means one is contextualizing to a different era or culture than the current one. [from this comment]

“The Christian in an Age of Terror: Selected Sermons of Dr. Martyn Lloyd Jones” edited by Michael Eaton

Author: Martyn Lloyd-Jones (edited by Michael Eaton)
Publisher: Kregel
Format: Softcover
Pages: 280
ISBN: 9780825429798
Stars: 4 of 5

The Christian in an Age of Terror is a compilation of previously unpublished sermons of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. The volume is edited by Michael Eaton and was recently published by Kregel.

Martyn Lloyd-Jones was a master of the pulpit. In reading this book, I learned that for a while he shared preaching duties with his predecessor G. Campbell Morgan, so he stood linked to England’s puritan past in some sense. The sermons in this volume betray Lloyd-Jones’ pastoral warmth and his spiritual vibrancy.

The theme of the book is “the Christian in an age of terror”. For us we think of September 11th, but for the doctor’s London churchgoers, that age of terror was life in and following World War II. His pastoral sermons for the London congregation speak equally to today’s chaotic age.

While chronologically the sermons address terror, the sermons themselves are on other themes. These are the topics Lloyd-Jones felt were important for Christians in such a time. And indeed they are exceedingly relevant. Michael Eaton arranged them thematically picking from series of sermons Lloyd-Jones preached from the years 1941-1950. The book starts out with sermons on Acts 12, the Christian facing danger. It moves to a summary of the Gospel found in a few sermons focusing on Hebrews 1:1-3. Then a series on “What is a Christian?” covers Romans 8. A series on Rev. 4 gives us a “preview of history”, and 1 Cor. 16:13-14 provide a few sermons on how to be strong in such an age as this. The final sermon is one preached at the half-way point of the last century. In January 1950, Lloyd-Jones reminded his flock that the Lord is the only One who can build the house.

Lloyd-Jones presents some wise insights and has a refreshing knack for gaining jewels from simple texts. The best way to show this will be to quote from the end of his series on Acts 12. I’ll leave you with the quote and an encouragement to pick up this excellent book.

If ever I have thanked God for the fact that I belong to the church it is as I read a text like this. If we are truly Christians, and truly members of the church, we are on the winning side. We are on the side of the church militant, the church triumphant. Our victory is certain and assured, come what may. There may be times of difficulty and distress; we are promised such things; but, and there is always that “but”, the Word of God will grow and multiply, until the Lord, in His own good time, comes to wind this earth and all its affairs, and hands over the kingdom to God the Father. God grant that we all may know for certain that we belong as living members to the invincible church. (pg. 56)

Disclaimer: this book was provided by the publisher for review. The reviewer was under no obligation to provide a positive review.

This book is available for purchase at the following sites: Westminster Bookstore,, or direct from Kregel.

“Fearless: Imagine Your Life Without Fear” by Max Lucado

Author: Max Lucado
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 221
ISBN: 9780849921391
Stars: 4 of 5

Fearless is the latest book from best selling author, Max Lucado. In fact it officially releases today. I jumped at the chance to receive an advance review copy of this book, partly because I had never read Lucado before. I’ve heard good things of his writing, but had just never read one of his books. Often, popularity doesn’t translate all that well into Biblical faithfulness, so I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from Max Lucado. As I worked my way through the book, I found it not only faithful, but accessible, well-written and timely.

Lucado interweaves stories, analogies and practical Christian advice in a masterful fashion. Each chapter focuses on a specific species of fear. He examines the fear and brings the Scriptures to bear upon it. The book also includes excellent discussion questions for each chapter. They would serve well as a general outline for small group sessions. Usually discussion questions are minimal, but with Fearless, they include a time of discussing the particular fear at hand, Scripture passages to look up and some final application questions.

Max Lucado displays a well-seasoned faith and he knows how to address the spectrum of fears that face us today. His pastoral warmth shines through the book. I particularly enjoyed his thoughts on parenting and fear for the well-being of your children.

We can take our parenting fears to Christ. In fact, if we don’t, we’ll take our fears out on our kids. Fear turns some parents into paranoid prison guards who monitor every minute, check the background of ever friend. They stifle growth and communicate distrust…

On the other hand, fear can also create permissive parents. For fear that their child will feel too confided or fenced in, they lower all boundaries. High on hugs and low on discipline. They don’t realize that appropriate discipline is an expression of love. Permissive parents. Paranoid parents. How can we avoid the extremes? We pray.

Prayer is the saucer into which parental fears are poured to cool. Jesus says so little about parenting, makes no comments about spanking, breast-feeding, sibling rivalry, or schooling. Yet his actions speak volumes about prayer. Each time a parent prays, Christ responds. His big message to moms and dads? Bring your children to me. Raise them in a greenhouse of prayer. (pg. 60)

The book’s conclusion addresses how to react to the fear that is so rampant in this dark time of economic upheaval and terrorism on a global scale.

Let others breathe the polluted air of anxiety, not us. Let’s be numbered among those who hear a different voice, God’s. Enough of these shouts of despair, wails of doom. Why pay heed to the doomsdayer on Wall Street or the purveyor of gloom in the newspaper? We will incline our ears elsewhere: upward. We will turn to our Maker, and because we do, we will fear less. (pg. 177-178)

I confidently recommend Fearless. You will be enjoy the book and be encouraged to trust God more

Disclaimer: This book was provided by the publisher. The reviewer was under no obligation to offer a positive review.

This book is available for purchase at the following sites: or direct from Thomas Nelson.