Contemplating the Cross: He Set His Face to Go to Jerusalem

For the next few days, I’ll be posting excerpts from Nancy Guthrie’s Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross: Experiencing the Passion and Power of Easter (Crossway). Join me as I aim to contemplate the cross this passion week.

Today’s meditation is by John Piper, from chapter 2 “He Set His Face to Go to Jerusalem” (pg. 17-18 of Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross, edited by Nancy Guthrie).

In Luke 9:51 we read, “When the days drew near for him to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem.”…When Jesus set his face to go to Jerusalem, he set his face to die….

If we were to look at Jesus’ death merely as a result of a betrayer’s deceit and the Sanhedrin’s envy and Pilate’s spinelessness and the soldiers’ nails and spear, it might seem very involuntary. And the benefit of salvation that comes to us who believe from this death might be viewed as God’s way of making a virtue out of a necessity. But once you read Luke 9:51 all such thoughts vanish. Jesus was not accidentally entangled in a web of injustice. The saving benefits of his death for sinners were not an afterthought. God planned it all out of infinite love to sinners like us and appointed a time. Jesus, who was the very embodiment of his Father’s love for sinners, saw that the time had come and set his face to fulfill his mission: to die in Jerusalem for our sake. “No one takes [my life] from me [he said], but I lay it down of my own accord…” (John 10:18)….

Praise God, Jesus set his face to go to Jerusalem for us! May we be filled with joy in the sovereignty of our God who planned out the glory of our salvation down to its smallest detail.

“Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross: Experiencing the Passion and Power of Easter” edited by Nancy Guthrie

Author: Compilation of several authors, edited by Nancy Guthrie
Format: Softcover
Page Count: 148
Publisher: Crossway
Publication Date: 2009
ISBN: 1433501813
Rating: 5 of 5 stars

As we approach Easter, Christians everywhere remember Christ’s sufferings on the old, rugged cross and the triumph of his resurrection. Indeed, the symbol of the cross is one of the few near universal Christian symbols. Protestants, Catholics and those who view themselves as neither, still cling to the cross. The gospel depends on it, Jesus’ earthly life is shaped by it, the Four Gospels almost speak of nothing else. Salvation depends on it, and sanctification is fed by it. And with Paul, we all should seek to boast in nothing but the cross or our Lord Jesus Christ.

For this reason I was thrilled at the opportunity to review a book like Nancy Guthrie’s Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross: Experiencing the Passion and Power of Easter (Crossway). I assumed it would be a good read since it is a compilation of several prominent church leaders, contemporary (Tim Keller, John Piper, Ligon Duncan, Phil Ryken and John MacArthur) and from years past (Augustine, Luther, Calvin, J.C. Ryle and Charles Spurgeon). Yet, the book excelled far beyond my expectations, high though they were.

Nancy Guthrie did a phenomenal editing job in piecing together various meditations on the Cross into a wonderfully unified book. And the selections she chose were truly the best of the best that these authors had to offer. Finding each of these was an amazing accomplishment in its own right.

Here’s a small sampling of the topics covered in this small volume. Martin Luther challenges us to find a proper view of self in light of the Cross. Alistair Begg ponders the innocent Christ being crushed by God. C.J. Mahaney unpacks the weightiness of the cup that Jesus chose to drink completely for us. R. Kent Hughes shows the Biblical theological background to the symbolism inherent in Jesus’ betrayal in the garden at Gethsemane. Spurgeon marvels that the Lord of the Universe allowed sinners to spit in his face, and he chillingly shows that we too have tragically spit in his face. J.C. Ryle wants us to find ourselves in the Sufferings of Christ. Martyn Lloyd-Jones focuses on Christ’s destruction of the Devil. John Calvin points out the connection between the Passover Lamb and Christ as shown in the blood and water flowing from his side. Jonathan Edwards shows Christ’s sacrifice as not merely satisfying God’s wrath, but accruing merit in that it was a sweet smelling, acceptable offering to God. Tim Keller explains how resurrection power should transform our lives.

In all of this, our focus should not be on the human authors Nancy compiles. Rather each are gifted with the ability and graced with the desire to show forth Christ in all His beauty and glory. And such a feast, an extended meditation on our Savior, Jesus Christ, is appropriate not merely for Easter and Passion Week, but all the year, and all the days of our life, long.

I encourage you to pick up a copy of this fantastic book, start it this Easter and let the message of the Cross grip your heart in the weeks following. This will surely be a devotional book I’ll pick up again and again.

Stay tuned as I’ll post several selections from this book during the week preceding Easter (which is next week!).

Disclaimer: this book was provided by the publisher for review. The reviewer was under no obligation to provide a positive review.

This book is available for purchase at the following sites: Westminster Bookstore,, or direct from Crossway.

Quotes to Note 8: How Christians Should Meditate on Christ’s Sufferings

As preparation for Easter, I’ve been reading Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross: Experiencing the Passion and Power of Easter, edited by Nancy Guthrie (Crossway). The book provides 25 excerpts from past and present leaders in the Church. Each of the excerpts provides a short chapter, from 4 to 8 pages or so. Guthrie masterfully weaves the chapters together into a glorious extended meditation on the Cross of Christ.

The excerpt from the 19th Century Evangelical Anglican J.C. Ryle is entitled “The Sufferings of Christ”. Ryle points out that we must not “be content with a vague general belief that Christ’s sufferings on the cross were vicarious”. He then illustrates how Christians should think on and value Christ’s sufferings. I couldn’t help but share this quote with you and encourage you to pick up the book if you can, it’s quite inexpensive, and it will be a great tool for meditating on Christ’s work as we approach Easter.

…We may follow him all through, from the bar of Pilate to the minute of his death, and see him at every step as our mighty substitute, our representative, our head, our surety, our proxy–the divine friend who undertook to stand in our place and, by the priceless merit of his sufferings, to purchase our redemption. Was he flogged? It was done so that “by his wounds we are healed” (Isa. 53:5). Was he condemned though innocent? It was done so that we might be acquitted, though guilty. Did he wear a crown of thorns? It was done so that we might wear the crown of glory. Was he stripped of his clothes? It was done so that we might be clothed in everlasting righteousness. Was he mocked an dreviled? It was done so that we might be honored and blessed. Was he reckoned a criminal, and counted among those who have done wrong? It was done so that we might be rekoned innocent, and declared free from all sin. Was he declared unable to save himself? It was so that he might be able to save others to the uttermost. Did he die at last, and that the most painful and disgraceful death? It was done so that we might live forevermore, and be exalted to the hightest glory. [Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross, ed. Nancy Guthrie (Crossway, 2009) pg. 58-59]

More on the ESV Study Bible

I just learned that in honor of the ESV Study Bible being named the 2008 ECPA Book of the Year, Crossway is offering a 35% discount on all editions, now through April 8th. They are also selling access to the online edition as a separate product for $19.95 (this comes free with the purchase of a print copy).

I’m also going to reproduce my thoughts on the ESV Study Bible from the comment section of yesterday’s post for the benefit of my readers.

Reader Question: The ESV is my preferred version, but I’ve held off on the study bible because I don’t know the theological bent of the notes. Do they reflect Reformed understanding? I have the Reformation Study Bible in ESV, which I enjoy, but I’ve had a couple of people recommend the ESV Study Bible. However, they haven’t all been from folks who have what I would consider an informed understanding.

My Answer:

I had the Reformation Study Bible in ESV before the ESV Study Bible, and the ESV Study Bible far outshines it. I’m thoroughly reformed, too.

The contributors to the ESV Study Bible tend to be reformed and the notes tend that direction, but they try to be fair and balanced and give the other view in certain passages (like Revelation, for intstance). But the quality of all the maps and diagrams is quite first class, with color, and more. The fact that its so popular is a good thing, really. The contributors are all conservative, so no egalitarian views on women and ministry, and no playing loosey-goosey with inerrancy.

They include notes by Vern Poythress on a history of salvation overview for each OT book. It includes notes by Leeland Ryken on the literary features of each book. They include a mini systematic theology. Mark Dever gives the plan of salvation, John Piper speaks to prayer and Bible study.

I could go on and on, but I think you’ll find this study Bible superior to anything you’ve ever seen. Personally, I was a little let down with the Reformation Study Bible. The notes were good and all, but I was hoping for more. The ESV Study Bible gives me more. Not that it’s perfect, I would like to see Vern Poythress’ History of Salvation notes (not the book overviews) in the text rather than in the back of the Bible as an appendix. One can’t have everything, I guess.

ECPA Book of the Year: The ESV Study Bible

ESV Study Bible - This is the edition I own.Congratulations to the ESV Study Bible, and Crossway, who produced it. They won the 2008 Book of the Year award from the Evangelical Christian Publishers’ Association. I am enjoying my copy immensely. (I got the brown trutone version, that you see to your right.)

My pastor, John Piper, also won top honors in the Christian Life category for his Spectacular Sins: And Their Global Purpose in the Glory of Christ (also from Crossway).

Justin Taylor, editor of the ESV Study Bible, and blogger at Between Two Worlds, has details on the ECPA awards, given out at the recent Christian Book Expo in Dallas.

UPDATE: Comment #2 under this post, includes a mini review of the ESV Study Bible that I quickly threw together in response to a reader’s comment.