Quotes to Note 25: Dorothy Sayers on the Necessity of Fundamental Christian Doctrine

I recently finished reading through Collected Writings on Scripture by D.A. Carson (compiled by Andrew Naselli; Crossway, 2010). The book includes not a few technical essays where Carson defends orthodox Christian doctrine on Scripture from innovative theological liberalism. In the conclusion to his essay, “Unity and Diversity in the New Testament: The Possibility of Systematic Theology”, Carson shares a lengthy quote from Dorothy Sayers that is pertinent to his defenses of orthodox doctrine. I intend to share the quote by Sayers here, as well as some of Carson’s remarks which follow it.

“The one thing I am here to say to you is this: that it is worse than useless for Christians to talk about the importance of Christian morality, unless they are prepared to take their stand upon the fundamentals of Christian theology. It is a lie to say that dogma does not matter; it matters enormously. It is fatal to let people suppose that Christianity is only a mode of feeling; it is virtually necessary to insist that it is first and foremost a rational explanation of the universe. It is hopeless to offer Christianity as a vaguely idealistic aspiration of a simple and consoling kind; it is, on the contrary, a hard, tough, exacting, and complex doctrine, steeped in a drastic and uncompromising realism. And it is fatal to imagine that everybody knows quite well what Christianity is and needs only a little encouragement to practice it. The brutal fact is that in this Christian country not one person in a hundred has the faintest notion about what the church teaches about God or man or society or the person of Jesus Christ.” (emphasis mine, quote from Dorothy L. Sayers, “Creed or Chaos?” in The Necessity of Systematic Theology, ed. Davis, 15-32)

So writes Dorothy Sayers, and I think she is basically right. This chapter has dealt with technical articles and critical judgments, but in the final analysis what is at stake is not some purely academic dispute, but what we preach. (D.A. Carson, Collected Writings on Scripture, pg. 148-149)

The wider American church needs to hear Sayers (and Carson) on this point. It does matter what you believe. The fundamentals of the faith are extremely important. All the warm-hearted feelings and emotion in the world, all the Christian morality and love for mankind, none of this means a hill of beans without clinging to the rock of Christian doctrine which has been revealed to us in Scripture.

In the next few weeks I’ll be sharing another quote or two from Carson’s work and then reviewing the book. I plan on giving away a copy too, so stay tuned!

2 New Books Advertised on Fundamentally Reformed

This month there are two new books being advertised here at Fundamentally Reformed. I thought I’d take the opportunity to highlight them as they both seem worthy of checking out.

First there is a book by Chris Brauns, published by Moody Press with a descriptive title: When the Word Leads Your Pastoral Search: Biblical Principles and Practices to Guide Your Search. From the book’s website:

At any given time there are thousands of churches seeking a lead pastor. While a great resume, a friendly smile and a memorable sermon will convince many, what should local congregations focus on to find a new shepherd? Chris Brauns believes to find a great preacher the search must focus on God’s Word and how the candidate relates to it and preaches from it.

This book is a must have resource for search committees and church leaders addressing the needs of churches in the transition of pastoral leadership. It assists by approaching their responsibilities in a biblical way and providing critical help in key practical matters. From the initial formation of a search committee to the final terms of agreement with the new pastor, Brauns shows you how to “major on the majors” and away from subjective approaches of evaluating candidates and their sermons. Great also for pastors or pastoral students to know how to prepare, the book includes such practical tools as interview questions for candidates and the top mistakes search committees make.

I haven’t heard of a book on this topic before, so it’s definitely filling a needed gap. The book looks like it would be helpful for those going thorugh a pastoral change, and worth getting as a resource for churches in case the need ever arises.

Check out the book by clicking on the ad to your right (for those reading this post via RSS, click here). There are book excerpts, promotional blurbs, and links where you can purchase a copy of the book.

Another new book advertisement around here is for the book No Other Gospel: 31 Reasons from Galatians Why Justification by Faith Alone Is the Only Gospel by Josh Moody, published by Crossway Books. Here’s Crossway’s book description:

As fallen human beings we are quick to deviate from the true gospel, for, as Pastor Josh Moody writes, “we tend toward human gospels.” Believers must constantly battle to maintain the purity and simplicity of the gospel. Paul was acutely aware of this as he wrote his letter to the Galatians. He was writing to an established church””experienced believers who had started to slip in their gospel witness.

Moody finds in Galatians particular relevance and parallels to many churches today. Stemming from a series of sermons delivered to his church, he examines thirty-one reasons Paul gives for this gospel. Moody writes this book with a pastor’s heart, addressing important topics such as “The Gospel Not Moralism” and “The Use of Gospel Freedom.” Paul’s message is foundational to the Christian faith, and thoughtful readers will benefit from Moody’s exposition.

This book comes with a recommendation by D.A. Carson. Any book on the Gospel published by Crossway is worth getting, as a general rule. So I’d check this book out too.

Learn more about this book by clicking on the ad to your right (again, for those reading this post via RSS, click here). There’s a video of Justin Taylor interviewing the author, as well as a book excerpt and chance to purchase a copy.

Clicking over and checking out these books helps make advertisements on my site valuable for all involved. I think most of my audience enjoys hearing of good Christian books, and I’ve long envisioned my site as a great place to advertise new titles. Thanks for understanding as I tie in sponsored posts with the advertising you see around here.

R.C. Sproul on Abortion

Tomorrow is the 38th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. In preparation for the celebration of life, Reformation Trust Publishing has published an updated edition of R.C. Sproul’s classic book Abortion: A Rational Look at an Emotional Issue. Westminster bookstore has a sale running for the next 6 days, where you can get the book for 45% off — only $8.25.

Here’s some more info about that book, and then a video clip of R.C. Sproul discussing the book with his son R.C. Sproul Jr. Over the last 20 years, since the book was first published a lot has changed, and R.C. Sproul Sr. gives his thoughts about those changes. At the end of the video clip, R.C. Sproul Sr. concludes with this powerful statement: “If I know anything at all about God, I know that He hates abortion.”

R.C. Sproul Discusses the Issue of Abortion from Ligonier on Vimeo.

“Infinite Playlists: How to Have Conversations [Not Conflict] with Your Kids About Music” by Todd Stocker

In our day, few matters divide generations more readily than music. Each age group has its own musical preferences which the others don’t get, and often can’t appreciate. For Christians, this problem is even more pronounced. The Christian’s submission to Scripture leads inevitably to ethical questions surrounding various elements of modern culture, especially music. This is complicated by the tendency of some Christians to denigrate certain music styles as intrinsically evil.

When it comes to parenting, and dealing with teenagers in particular, it would be easy to ignore the issue of music altogether. Many Christian parents just suffer with whatever music choices their children make, even if they offer an occasional frown. Not a few parents take the opposite approach, and operate like the musical police. This can raise barriers between parent and child, fostering bitterness and resentment. For most of us, we’re not exactly sure how to handle the thorny topic of music.

This is why I was intrigued by the title of a new book from Kregel Publications by Todd Stocker (with notes from his son Nathan): Infinite Playlists: How to Have Conversations [Not Conflict] with Your Kids About Music. The title gets right to the point, and when you open the front cover Stoker wastes no time in confronting the issue head on. In fact, the book is only a short 89 pages, but for many parents and teens today, a shorter book may have a better chance at being picked up and read. Whatever the case, even in these few short pages the book more than adequately covers the problem at hand.

Todd Stocker starts out by describing his love for music and how his Christian faith made him reevaluate his musical choices. His son Nathan’s affinity for hard rock brought him to the place where he had to start working through what music he’d allow his children to tune in to. The book moves on to describe music as a gift from God, but a gift that has been distorted by fallen man. There is a spiritual battle going on over music, and recognizing music’s ability to capture our souls with wonder should help us approach the topic soberly. Make no mistake, however, Stoker is not about a kill joy approach to music. “God never intended Christians to live cloistered.” (pg. 25)

Stocker goes on to trace the emotional, physical and spiritual impact of music, often quoting secular experts and personal experiences to add flavor. He explores various musical genres, and the question of Christian vs. secular music. He understands that the attitude and ethos created by the song conveys some meaning, but ultimately the lyrics make the predominant difference. Yet “God is not in one thing and not in the other”, and so even secular music can be redeemed for His purposes.

The meat of the book comes in his discussion of the working guidelines he’s come up with for his family. They are:

  • What do the lyrics say?
  • What picture does the song paint?
  • What is the mood or feel of the song?
  • Will the song cause others to stumble?
  • Who is the artist or group?

Stocker is careful to convey that a firm, hard line is not easy to achieve. He prefers to discuss these questions with his son Nathan, and together agree on the verdict. Ultimately he has parental veto power, however. Including the children in the decision both empowers them and teaches them how to exercise discernment for themselves.

Stocker finishes the book by encouraging Christians everywhere to take the copyright laws seriously when it comes to music.

Some additional helpful features of the book include the chapter recaps, notes by 13 year old Nathan Stocker sharing his perspective on music at various points in the book, and a chapter exercise for working through the five guidelines and applying them with an actual song. The book also includes some helpful resources in the end-notes.

Before I close this review, I would want to encourage parents to pick up this book and use it as a tool in developing their own approach to how to parent their children when it comes to the arena of music. Stocker’s exhortation is worth quoting here at some length:

God has placed great importance and responsibility on your parental position within the family. Therefore, it is not OK to allow your children to listen to lyrics that could poison their souls. Think of it this way: you would never allow your children to drink gasoline even if it was their choice to do so. Neither should you let your children drink music that could cripple them forever. (pg. 58)

I can’t recommend this book more. It could perhaps have included a bit more material, but that’s the only complaint I’d have. It reads very easy, and manages to tackle a difficult topic with grace. It is immensely helpful, and definitely worth picking up at Amazon.com, or direct from Kregel Publications.

Disclaimer: This book was provided by Kregel Publications for review. I was under no obligation to offer a favorable review.

Quotes to Note 24: Christopher J.H. Wright on the Gospel-Rootedness of the Law

I am currently reading through a fantastic little book entitled Reclaiming the Old Testament for Christian Preaching (edited by Grenville J.R. Kent, Paul J. Kissling and Laurence A. Turner, InterVarsity Press 2010). The book is a collection of essays on how to preach from various parts of the Old Testament. On the section dealing with the Law, Christopher J.H. Wright does a great job in pointing out how the law is both rooted in, and pointing forward to God’s grace. I thought I’d share a brief excerpt here from Wright’s section on the gospel-rootedness of the Law, for your benefit.

“No sooner has God got Israel to himself at Mount Sinai than he points them back to his own initiative of saving grace: “You have seen what I have done …now then, if you obey me fully…” [Ex. 19:4-5, author’s translation]. Grace comes before the law. There are eighteen chapters of salvation before we get to Sinai and the Ten Commandments. So the structure of the book supports the fundamental theology.

“I stress this because the idea that the difference between the Old and New Testaments is that in the OT salvation was by obeying the law, whereas in the NT it is by grace, is a terrible distortion of the Scripture. It is a distortion that Paul was combating, but has somehow crept into common Christian assumption. We need to preach rigorously against it. It is sad that in so many churches that have the Ten Commandments on the wall, they leave out the opening words of God, “I am the LORD your God, who brought you up out of slavery…” (author’s translation). That is posting the law without the gospel that grounds it. Paul makes it clear [regarding the OT] that salvation came through faith in God’s promise, and that obedience was a response to God’s saving grace.”

(pg. 48, emphasis and words in brackets are mine)