Mark — Good News of Jesus, the Suffering Savior (part 2)

Introduction – Mark 1:1

–continued from part 1

3. Theme Verse — Mark 1:1

A. Gospel — (Evangel / Good News, from euangelizomai – to evangelize)
1) The “Gospel” is connected by the “as” in vs. 2 to the quotation in vs. 2-3. The intimation there as well as in 1:14-15 is that the “Gospel” is a fulfillment of something foretold in the Old Testament. — The “Gospel” is connected by the “as” in vs. 2 to the quotation in vs. 2-3. The intimation there as well as in 1:14-15 is that the “Gospel” is a fulfillment of something foretold in the Old Testament. [See also, Rom. 1:1-4, 1 Cor. 15:1-4, Gal. 3:8, 1 Pt. 1:25 and Ps. 40:9, 68:11, 96:2, Is. 40:9, 41:27, 52:7, 61:1]

B. The Identity of Jesus — Christ, the Son of God
1) Christ = Messiah = Anointed One
A messianic expectation was already present in Jesus day (Luke 1). An expectation of deliverance from enemies and the Messiah as King-Deliverer was current.
2) Son of God, this title has OT precedence. Psalm 2 & 2 Sam. 7 join the title Son and Christ together as we see here in Mark 1. Son was a title given to David’s heir, it was also used of Israel, as being God’s Son (Hos. 11:1). But Mark shows that for Jesus, this means even more than the idea of Messianic Ruler.

DISCUSSION: How was Jesus less and more than what the Jews of His day were expecting in a Messiah? How might Mark 1:2-3 help us see what aspect of the Messiah’s ministry that Jesus was going to focus on in his first advent? Jot down your observations.

Less = Not the physical deliverer (that is the second advent). Not concerned with Jewish state and Jews alone.
More = Suffering Servant (hinted at from Mark 1:2-3’s focus on Isaiah 40), Son of God, a spiritual Savior.

3) The identity of Jesus certainly is key to what makes the Gospel good. And the identity of Jesus is a key theme of Mark.

The words Christ and Son (of God, or of the Highest), as a title for Jesus, appear in a uniquely important way in Mark. Jesus rarely calls himself these titles, preferring instead Son of Man which appears 14 times at least of Jesus in Mark.

  Christ / Son of David / King of Jews     Son of God / Son of the Highest  
1:1 (by Mark) 1:1 (by Mark)
8:29 (by Peter) 1:11 (by God the Father)
10:47-48 (by a blind man) 3:11 (by a demon)
14:61 (by the high priest) 5:7 (by demons)
15:2 (by Pilate) 9:7 (by God the Father)
15:32 (in derision at the cross) 14:61 (by the high priest)
  15:39 (by the centurion)

DISCUSSION: What can we see from this arrangement? What stands out?

After declaring Jesus is Christ and the Son of God, Mark proceeds to keep this quiet and show how people are not understanding His identity. Jesus never declares himself to be the Messiah directly. He distances Himself form some of the wrong ideas of a physical overthrow of governments as a result of his first coming. The climactic mid-point of the book is Peter’s recognition of Jesus as the Messiah (8:29). The title Son of God is only at the end of the book used of Jesus by a person, and it is a Roman Centurion at the climax of Jesus’ suffering on the cross. In contrast before his end while on the cross, the Jews derided him challenging his claim to be Messiah.

4. Key Themes in Mark

A. Identity of Jesus
1) See questions about Jesus: 1:27, 2:7, 4:41, 6:2-3, 8:29, 10:18, 14:61.
2) See also statements of amazement about Jesus: 1:27-28, 2:12, 4:41, 5:42, 6:2-3, 6:14, 7:37, 10:24-26, 10:32, 12:17.
3) Notice the bewilderment and lack of understanding displayed by the disciples throughout the book 6:52, 7:18, 8:17-18, 8:21, 9:10, 9:32, 10:24-26.
4) Finally see how Jesus continually asks people to keep quiet about who He is: 1:34, 1:43-45, 3:10-12, 5:43, 7:24, 7:36-37, 8:26, 8:30, 9:9.

B. Mission of Jesus 1:38, 2:17, 10:45.

C. Importance of Faith: 1:15, 2:5, 4:40, 5:34, 5:36, 9:24, 9:42, 10:52, 11:22-24, 11:31, 13:13, 15:32.

D. Inevitability of Persecution 1:12-13, 3:21, 3:31-35, 8:34-38, 10:30-34, 10:45, 13:8-13.

Download this study in PDF ~ See all posts in this series.

The posts in this series include notes from a Men’s Bible Study I’m teaching on the Gospel of Mark every other Saturday morning. I am sharing them so they might possibly be a blessing to others. Feel free to download the lesson sheets and use them for your own purposes.

Deliberate Doctrinal Partnership: Why Denominations Can Be Helpful

Denominations are often despised. Even many Christians outside of the independent Baptist movement frown upon such formal, concrete institutions. Indeed, mainline denominations have been trending left over the last hundred years and more, so some of these reactions are understandable.

But with the proliferation of non-denominational churches, and in Baptist circles, the mass exodus of independent churches from the denominations, a strange phenomenon has occurred. Rather than remaining aloof from any formal institutional organization, these churches have banded together in a vast array of associations, fellowships and networks. The problem with some of these new fellowships and organizations may be their newness. A forgetfulness of the past and a devotion to the pragmatic and the new, combine to make such fellowships especially prone to parochialism or doctrinal drift.

In all reality, looking back at the denominations we left, we find many of the same things that we have sought after today. Denominations have a built in missions organization. They have longstanding partnerships among like-minded churches. They offer help to church planters and pool resources for the training of men for the ministry. They also have a connection to the work of God in the past, and a wealth of experience from both the past and the present, with which to bring to bear on today’s challenges.

Certainly some denominations have totally capitulated to doctrinal error. I am not advocating the usefulness of that kind of partnership. Instead I am pointing out that many Baptist and Presbyterian denominations exist which can provide help to churches and a connection with an orthodox, confessional history. Other denominations are also vibrant and faithful, and deserve consideration especially if you plan to plant a church or go to the mission field.

Denominations in and of themselves are not necessarily hierarchical structures where all autonomy is lost when a church joins up with them. Nor is a partnership in this sense a full endorsement of all the activities under the tent that the denomination supports. The beauty of denominations is the doctrinal core that you must unite around to join, as well as the freedom and expansiveness to allow varieties of method and practice, and differences of opinion on lesser doctrinal matters. Denominations stand ready to allow churches to unite around the Gospel, and partner in the work of missions.

Every denomination is not created equal. But a good many doctrinally sound denominations could benefit by the presence of more member churches that are solid in faith and devoted to mission.

My thoughts along these lines were recently spurred on by reading a very helpful article by Ed Stetzer on the subject from this month’s Christianity Today. It is the cover article and is entitled, “Life in These Old Bones.” The subtitle explains, “If you’re interested in doing mission, there could hardly be a better tool than denominations.”

I encourage you to read Stetzer’s article and take some thought about the value of denominations. Don’t be ready to cast stones and praise your independence. Thank God for faithful denominations and the churches that founded them.

Exploring the Divide: What Makes Fundamentalists and Conservative Evangelicals Different?

A while back, Dr. Kevin Bauder of Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Minneapolis, penned an important article critiquing how fundamentalists typically view conservative evangelicals. Readers of my blog will readily agree that fundamentalists tend to view conservative evangelicals as combatants or even opponents. Fundamentalists justify their existence, it seems, on showing just how different conservative evangelicals like John MacArthur, Al Mohler or John Piper are from the fundamentalist ideal.

I praised Dr. Bauder’s effort at offering a fundamentalist self-critique on that negative perception. But now, Dr. Bauder flips the coin and approaches the issue from a different vantage point. Now he is spelling out exactly what the “substantial differences” which he had said “continue to distinguish conservative evangelicals from fundamentalists” really are.

Again, Bauder’s efforts at making things very clear, are to be commended. In the first three parts of a series entitled: “Now, About Those Differences”, he has laid the groundwork for what promises to be a fruitful survey of the major sticking points that separate conservative evangelicals form the fundamentalist movement. In part 1, he introduces the series and parts two and three discuss the Gospel as a boundary marker for Christian fellowship, and a multi-layered approach to fellowship/unity and separation which most conservative evangelicals would readily agree with. The rubber will meet the road in his next installment and I’ll be sure to update you.

For now, I would encourage you to read the first three parts of the series as I feel this has promise to provide an extended case study which will help people on both sides of the aisle really appreciate what the issues are that divide us. I hope this will lead to clarity and a rapprochement of both parties as much as is humanly possible.

Calvin, Coffee & Blogging

Blogging has been a tad slow lately. I’m spread out over several blogging ventures now.,, and all need tweaking. I thought I’d share a post about a great new blogroll I recently joined. If you aren’t connected to fundamentalism or don’t want to join the Reforming Fundamentalist blog network I created, this blogroll might be more up your alley. Regardless the blogs on the network would make for great additions to your RSS reader.

Shane Vander Hart of Caffeinated Thoughts, started this blogroll. If you like Calvin, Coffee and Blogging, it might be just right for you! Click the image below to learn more.

Aspiring PolyMathis

By Grace Alone

Caffeinated Thoughts

Calvinistic Cartoons

Chris Ashton

Daily On My Way To Heaven

Deek Dubberly

Early Christian America

Fundamentally Reformed

Heavenly Springs

Orange County Calvinist

Journal from the Street

Justification by Grace

Random Thoughts From A Cluttered Mind

Reformed Women


Romans 11:36

Shane Waldrop


The Bible Christian

The Hafts

The Old Dead Guys

Theology for Girls

Theology Girl

Theology Girls

The Purple Sparrow

The Reformed Traveler

who am i?

Download My Interview on Fundamentalism

I’ve been getting great feedback on my recent interview with Understanding Our Times Radio, and Kevin Thompson. Kevin graduated from Pensacola Christian College in 2002 and so he is also intimately familiar with some of the more extreme elements of fundamentalism.

The interview covered a wide range of topics relating to fundamentalism, including the following: What is fundamentalism? What is good about fundamentalism? What about separation? Wrong views of the Gospel and salvation. Why Reformed Theology is attracting many young fundamentalists. Why people are leaving fundamentalism, and more.

I believe I covered a lot of ground in that 30 minute interview and it would serve as an excellent introduction to my blog and the problem of extreme fundamentalism. I’m thankful for the opportunity to speak about this subject that is close to my heart.

Right-click on the down arrow to the right and select “save target as” or “save link as”, to download the mp3 file. Or listen online at Kevin’s radio site. Also, consider tuning in to Understanding Our Radio on a weekly basis for more interesting content.