If You Liked “My Story”…

When I first posted “My Story” on my blog back in December of 2005, I didn’t have a clue about blogging.   I posted an enormously long letter, with some slight formatting changes, as one big post.   By God’s grace, that post has blessed my readers more than any other.   I’ve received dozens of comments over the years, on the blog or by email, thanking me for sharing that story.   It’s not “my” story, really, It’s God’s.

I think I now have found another story as long as mine.   However this one is formatted much nicer and contains many hilarious vignettes.   You will really enjoy Greg Wilson’s personal story, if you take the time to read.   Anyone more personally familiar with fundamentalism will especially be blessed.   Greg’s story narrates a similar “wake up” experience.   He continues in a faithful pastoral ministry in a Bible-believing (albeit non-IFB, non-KJVO) church.

Here’s the link, enjoy the read.   May his story also be a help to those who may be “hurt” or confused by extreme fundamentalism.   And as Greg concludes his story: “Soli Deo Gloria“!   (To God alone be the glory.)

Sovereign Grace Ministries Super February Sale

The past couple years, Sovereign Grace Ministries has put on a SUPER SALE all through the month of February. I’ve taken advantage of the sale myself in years past. I grabbed up some of their superb music CDs, and also picked up a couple of their song books. (Many of the songs I’ve showcased on my blog over the years, have been produced by Sovereign Grace Ministries.) I have many of the books they are selling, but if anyone really wanted to bless me 🙂 they could send me one of the following titles– Living the Cross Centered Life and Sex, Romance, and the Glory of God by C.J. Mahaney; Love that Lasts: When Marriage Meets Grace by Gary and Betsy Ricucci; and Worship Matters by Bob Kauflin. All of these titles and others, are sure to bless you. I encourage you to take advantage of this great offer. Plus, for all orders of $15 or more, there is free shipping.

Poll: How Do You Hear of New Books?

Everyone reading this post, is reading it on a blog. So this will skew the results of this poll. Still, I’m wondering what this poll will show about how people like you and I hear of new books.

Feel free to share some thoughts in the comment section too. The world of book publicity is constantly changing these days. I’m interested to see what this poll will show.

Book Deal & Free Books Alert

Free Books Alert

Tyndale House Publishers are celebrating the launch of their newly redesigned website by giving away a four books each day for the next 30 days (starting Feb. 1st). Here is the press release I received via email.

As a faithful blogger and Tyndale supporter I just wanted to give you some information on the exciting launch of our new Tyndale.com website. On February 1st we will be introducing a newly designed, more user friendly, and information packed site.

As a blogger and social media user here are some exciting features that can benefit you:

  • Links to all of Tyndale’s social media sites
  • A list of all Tyndale authors and their blogs, Facebook and Twitter accounts, etc.
  • A place where you can share stories about Tyndale products that have had an effect on your life
  • Under product details you can post reviews with a link to your own blog so others can see the exciting other books you’ve been reviewing

To celebrate the launch of this new site, Tyndale is giving away four books a day in the following categories: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Bibles, and Kids.

All you have to do is visit the site to sign up. If you don’t win one day, keep coming back to sign up!

Feel free to pass this information along to your friends, family, blog readers, Facebook friends, or Twitter followers. Don’t feel obligated to pass this information along, but please visit www.tyndale.com starting on February 1st for a chance to win!

Book Deal

This weekend only there is a big sale on an important book. Coming to Grips with Genesis: Biblical Authority & the Age of the Earth edited by Terry Mortenson and Thane Ury (published by New Leaf Group / Master Books) is on sale at Grace Books Intl. for only $6.99 (this weekend only).

I will be reviewing this book in the coming months, but here are my first impressions of the book. This is the best Biblical case for young earth creationism that I’ve seen. I think that those grappling with the question of old earth vs. young earth creationism, should take the time to read this big book and hear the young earth viewpoint out. I plan on listening and evaluating the arguments at length. With the book available for $10 off it’s normal price, it’d be a good time to pick up a copy.

Bob’s Blog Finds: Magic, Polygamy, Abortion, Politics & More

In my blog finds I highlight some of the best articles I’ve found online recently. You can see all my blog finds in my sidebar, under the Bob’s Blog Finds & Bob’s on Twitter sections.


Barry Wallace of Who Am I? has an interesting post examining the question “Is All Magic Evil?” It has special reference to reading books about magic such as the Chronicles of Narnia or even Harry Potter. I left my reasons for reading (and enjoying) the Harry Potter series in the comments there.

Polygamy in America

Albert Mohler directed my attention to a fascinating article in National Geographic re: polygamy in America. The profile of the Mormon Fundamentalist Church of the Latter Day Saints is shocking, interesting and sad at the same time.


Speaking of Al Mohler, he has a good article on a new trend among abortionists. They are leaving the profession largely due to their encounters with ultrasound images of babies and abortions. Read his post entitled, “Mugged by Ultrasound“.


I didn’t listen to the State of the Union address. And all accounts I’ve seen of it make me glad I didn’t. I don’t like to get mad over politics and I would have been! La Shawn Barber pointed out (via her twitter feed), a good review of the speech at Politics Daily.

Profiles: Tony Dungy & Don Carson

I also found a fascinating write up of Tony Dungy by ESPN. It examines his character and his role as one who helps troubled sports starts gain reconciliation. The article elevated my respect for the man (which was already quite high). It’s worth the read.

Sharper Iron also recently posted a tribute to Don Carson. He truly is the epitome of a Christian Scholar who serves the church. It is good to see fundamentalists learning from people like Carson, and respecting him while disagreeing with his “non-fundamentalist” actions. I appreciated the article and you might to.