“Taken (The Quest for Truth Series, book 1)” by Brock Eastman

From the very first page, Brock Eastman’s new book Taken, grips and pulls the reader into its fast-paced, adventure tale. Taken is the start of P & R Publishing’s “The Quest for Truth” series, and focuses on a group of four children (Oliver — 17, Tiffany — 15, and the twins Mason and Austin — 11) whose parents (the Wikks) are archaeologist-explorers. Their parents get captured by a secret society called the Ubel, and the children are forced to embark on their parents’ planned space voyage without them.

They soon discover that the world as they know it is not as it seems. Their parents have found an ancient book from Ursprung, the humans’ home planet which has been lost for centuries. And on the edge of the galaxy, they learn that the Federation may not merit their allegiance after all. With their world crumbling around them, the Wikk children resolve to take on their parents’ quest for truth, in hopes of finding and rescuing their parents.

The quest takes them to a forsaken planet on the edge of the galaxy where they meet their parents’ benefactor and try to outfit their ship. While on this planet, the twins stumble upon a mysterious blue people and are taken captive. I won’t give away too much more of the plot, except to say that by the end of this first book, you’ll be hooked. I can’t wait for the next installment of “The Quest for Truth”, to find out what happens to the Wikk children as their exciting quest continues.

The book is written for younger readers, upper elementary age through high school, but parents are sure to enjoy it as well. The siblings fight with one another and have to learn to trust each other, living for the common good, instead of their own desires. The plot is intricate and unexpected, and the world that is created is entirely believable and yet unlike anything else I’ve read. It is not a dark or evil story and is safe for all readers.

“The truth” which is sought has to do with “eternal life” and the book sounds a lot like the Bible, but this is no simplistic allegory or anything. It is a well-written adventure tale with a fascinating science fiction world that is sure to enthrall readers. I expect the series will ultimately have a moral lesson to be learned which can be drawn out by conscientious parents; but if you’re worried about the potential for a cheesy Christian production that overdoes the Christian themes to the detriment of the story, then I’m with you. And this book is nothing of the sort. I expect this series will draw a faithful following of readers who fall in love with the futuristic world that Brock Eastman has created. If you pick up this book, I’m sure you won’t regret it.

Disclaimer: This book was provided by P & R Publishing. I was under no obligation to offer a favorable review.

You can purchase a copy of this book from any of these fine retailers: Westminster Bookstore, Christianbook.com, Amazon.com or direct from P & R Publishing.

Milestones, Markers and More

Recently my blog passed a few significant milestones. I thought I’d take the opportunity to reminisce a little and also mention a few upcoming plans.

Two posts ago, on August 25th, I posted my 1,000th blog post. And my most recent post, on Aug. 31st was my 100th book or media review. We’re up to over 6,800 comments and close to 500 blog subscribers. I want to thank everyone who’s followed my blog and helped keep it alive this long. We’re closing in on 6 years this Fall.

Along the way, I’ve started a few other ventures. A couple have passed by the wayside, but KJVOnlyDebate.com is still going strong (although I don’t post as much as I’d like to there anymore). I contribute at Re-Fundamentals.org still, and occasionally you’ll find a post of mine on other blogs.

I also started CrossFocusedReviews.com with my friend Shaun Tabatt. Alright, I’ll go ahead and let the cat out of the bag. Shaun and I will be launching a book related podcast this month. Stay tuned for more details on that.

Speaking of books, SharperIron.org has asked me to be their book review editor, and so I hope to help them start publishing book reviews more often. More details to come on that announcement too. If you follow Sharper Iron, let me know as I’ll want to see if I can get you to do some book reviews for them.

I enjoy the blogging and the book reviewing, but I know this isn’t what makes me special or important. Jesus Christ shed his blood for me, and that’s all I could ever ask for. I need his grace each and every day just like you. Thanks for following my blog, I trust it is a blessing to some of you and at least somewhat entertaining for others.

Okay, enough about me and my blog. Back to regularly scheduled programming, I promise!

“Old Testament Wisdom Literature: A Theological Introduction” by Craig Bartholomew and Ryan O’Dowd

Few Old Testament books are more puzzling than Job and Ecclesiastes. And few books are more frequently misunderstood and misapplied than Proverbs. The Wisdom literature of the Hebrews may be challenging for Western minds to grasp, but it is very rewarding. Craig Bartholomew and Ryan O’Dowd have helped the student of the Bible’s Wisdom literature immensely with their new book Old Testament Wisdom Literature: A Theological Introduction, from IVP Academic.

The authors aim to introduce the reader to Wisdom literature and the theology behind it. This is not just a commentary, although they do offer plenty of insights and comments along the way. Rather it is an introduction and orientation after which one will be more prepared to pick up a commentary an study the Wisdom books more closely.

After the author’s preface and introduction, the book starts with an introduction to Old Testament Wisdom. They compare Egyptian and Babylonian wisdom writings with that of the Hebrews, showing the similarities and differences. The authors appreciate the insights such comparisons provide but make no apologies for the unique approach that the Bible presents. Rather than a pantheon of gods and contradictory wisdom writings, Israel is presented with the one true God, in whose fear is the only place where wisdom can be found.

Next the book gives a helpful treatment of poetry, it’s role in life and the three OT books which are the focus of this work (Job, Ecclesiastes and Proverbs), as well as a discussion of the techniques of Hebrew poetry.

After these introductory chapters, each OT book is discussed as a whole followed by a more in-depth treatment of one special passage: Prov. 31, Job 28, and Eccl. 3:1-15. Next comes a discussion of Jesus as the Wisdom of God, where the New Testament’s treatment of Wisdom and its portrayal of Jesus Christ as Wisdom incarnate.

The book ends with a discussion of the theology of OT Wisdom and then an application of how Wisdom is relevant for today.

My copy of this book is filled with dog-eared pages, scribbles and underlined sections. The authors have done a fabulous job of bringing the best research to bear and digging up the most appropriate quotes for each theme they address. They do a masterful job of discrediting the current criticism of OT Wisdom literature that Proverbs focuses strictly on act-consequence and Job and Ecclesiastes offer a counterpoint or crisis where such a simplistic view is shown to be untenable. Bartholomew and O’Dowd argue that Job and Ecclesiastes merely make what’s implicit in Proverbs, explicit. The nuances and tension in Proverbs itself finds expression in Job and Ecclesiastes. The character of the righteous life is what is blessed in Proverbs, not righteous actions by themselves. And life on earth never realizes divine justice in full.

Proverbs in all its diversity is carefully handled, and I especially appreciated the emphasis on Lady Wisdom and how the Proverbs 31 woman may be understood as Wisdom personified, in a theological way.

The discussion of Job was most illuminating. The struggle and difficulty one has in trying to read through Job is part of the genius of the book, illustrating the perplexing situation Job found himself in. The diagrams in the chapter on Job are helpful, as most of the diagrams sprinkled throughout this work are. I also appreciated the discussion of Job 28 and it’s key role in Job.

Ecclesiastes was similarly handled well. “The Preacher” (or Qohelet) is never expressly said to be Solomon, yet a comparison with Solomon is intended by the author/narrator of Ecclesiastes. The treatment of Ecclesiastes shows how the book traces the intellectual struggle of Qohelet as he struggles with employing Greek wisdom to his world yet knowing the truth that Hebrew wisdom had already taught him. Seeing Ecclesiastes as a struggle with many passages set in “contradictory juxtaposition” with one another, goes a long way in helping one make sense of the book as a whole.

I very much appreciated the discussion of Jesus as the Wisdom of God, it helps to situate OT Wisdom in the redemptive flow of Scripture. The authors resisted a simplistic equation of Jesus and Lady Wisdom, and take pains to show how the authors of the New Testament in their own unique ways appropriated the Wisdom tradition in their exposition of Jesus Christ and his uniquely Divine status and mission.

The final chapters summarizing OT Wisdom theology and it’s impact today is an outstanding example of how to apply Scripture to life and not leave the heady study of doctrine and theology on a shelf away from life in the real world.

The tenor and tack of the authors is profoundly evangelical, yet appreciative of the insights gained from all sorts of scholars. One won’t agree with all of the conclusions of this book, but the clarity and candor with which the authors present their own view is both commendable and refreshing.

Perhaps the point the authors drive home the most is that OT Wisdom literature is anything but dualistic. It is rooted in creation theology and offers us a way to live in God’s world appreciating all of life. I will close with a summary quote which encapsulates the primary message of the OT Wisdom books.

At the heart of the distinction between folly and wisdom is one’s relation to the creation: does one receive it with joy and wonder as the Lord’s gift, or does one make oneself the center around which one relates to the world? The classic term for the latter approach is idolatry. (pg. 316)

I came away from my study of OT Wisdom literature reflecting on the hold idolatry may have in my life. A study of the OT Wisdom books may be just the thing to encourage us to live all of life to God’s glory. Such a study would be greatly helped along by using this book from Bartholomew and O’Dowd as a text-book or study tool. I highly recommend it.

Disclaimer: This book was provided by InterVarsity Press. I was under no obligation to offer a favorable review.

You can purchase a copy of this book from any of these fine retailers: Christianbook.com, Amazon.com or direct from IVP Academic.

Free PDF Download of “The Gospel Centered Life” Curriculum

Westminster Bookstore has a great deal on a fantastic resource for Sunday Schools and small groups: The Gospel Centered Life. I am already planning on using this curriculum for our college-aged class this Fall at our church. It is an excellent resource from World Harvest Mission.

The message is life-changing and very much in the flavor of some of the Gospel meditations that Tim Keller brings. I’m looking forward to using this with our young people.

For the next two days you can get a Leader’s edition as a free pdf download from Westminster Bookstore. Just click here for the download. The print copy (I have one) from New Growth Press is really sharp and well done. You’ll love this book.

Click the image above for more details on this special offer.

Bob’s Blog Bits ~ 8/18/11

I’ve started a posterous blog called Bob’s Blog Bits, to share the interesting articles, videos, or what have you that I stumble across around the web. You can subscribe (via RSS or email) to my posterous blog, but each post also appears in my Twitter feed and on my Facebook profile.

Here are some of the recent blog bits worth mentioning: