“Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament” by John H. Walton

I just finished poring over John Walton’s masterful book, Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament: Introducing the Conceptual World of the Hebrew Bible. He offers a thorough comparison between Ancient Near Eastern (ANE) thought and literature, and the Bible. His main thesis is that the early Hebrew receivers of the Old Testament text were people of their day. They shared a “common cognitive environment” with that of the Egyptians, Sumerians, Assyrians and Hittites around them. However, they had a key difference. In Walton’s words: “Israel had its covenant with its one God, Yahweh, who spoke through his covenant and the prophets, who were its guardians and champions” (p. 332).

Many conservative Bible students today are leery of these conclusions. They are concerned that the Bible’s uniqueness be preserved and they are wary of modern scholarship’s consensus that there was borrowing from other ANE literature (such as the Flood story in Gilgamesh and elsewhere). Walton speaks to this concern by painstakingly showing what difference the Bible actually communicates against the backdrop of other ANE thought-systems. As an example, take the creation of humanity. In the Bible, people were created not on a whim by indifferent rival deities, but by a loving God. But the fact that people were created in the image of God is important, as that concept was universally understood by the ancients, and often expressed using similar words to what the Hebrew record contains. Walton explains: “Across the ancient world, the image of God did the work of God on the earth” (p. 212). Function and purpose more so than ontology or anthropology is in view.

Other examples of shared ANE ideas include:

  • Cosmology: A fixed earth (on pillars), surrounded by water and high mountains with a hard dome above (the sky) separating the waters above from the waters below. It is through windows or gates in this “firm”-ament, that rain falls to earth. God sits above the dome – in the sphere above the earth. The sun and moon rotate around the earth, and the stars are etched on the bottom of the dome and rotate in cycles.
  • A divine council: Yahweh’s council is not of equal gods clamoring for a vote, He is the Actor; but He is pictured with a council in several passages, likely due to the shared ideas about a divine council. The Bible’s picture of Yahweh’s council speaks directly to ANE thought, offering a contrast in how Yahweh rules.
  • Prophecy and pronouncements of doom or blessing: The prophets of the Bible find numerous parallels in the ancient world – yet true prediction and the central role of the covenant to Israel’s experience, are unique.
  • Teaching through compiling lists of similar subjects: The Bible has much that modern reader find repetitious – but this was a characteristic of ANE literature. Keeping lists of judicial decisions (also referred to as law codes), and other lists of wisdom sayings, etc., was a common teaching tool.
  • Proverbs and wisdom literature: ANE thought abounds with proverbs and wise sayings, many of which are eerily similar to what one finds in the Bible’s book of Proverbs. The book of Job, while often seeming strange to modern readers, is an example of standard genre of literature in the near east: a theodicy. Unlike ANE theodicies, however, the central figure does not ultimately find a capricious god who has no innate claims to being just. Yahweh vindicates his actions, and the reader can see there is a purpose behind Job’s pain.

I am sure to be over-simplifying the matter in some of my examples above. (The book goes into so much more detail on each of these points, and many besides). At times, all of this can be overwhelming. This is a text-book, after all; and as such space is devoted to a detailed description of all the major surviving ANE bodies of literature! But the sidebars (which compare the Bible’s approach on various subjects with ANE thought), the careful arrangement of material, and the extensive index all make the book more useful as a resource, and more accessible to the average Joe.

Many of Walton’s conclusions warrant good hard thinking, and I don’t imagine everyone will follow him on all points. But his approach will change the way you think about certain passages of Scripture. I found many of his insights to be incredibly helpful. His discussion on Joshua 10 and the “sun standing still” highlights the role of apposition (a full moon appearing in the sky before the sun sets) as a “good omen” in ANE thought. He also argues (as he does in The Lost World of Genesis One) that when it comes to creation, the ancients thought in terms of function, name and purpose, rather than on the “substance” or physical/scientific “existence” which is our primary concern. This leads him to notice how the light created in day 1 is called “yom” (normally translated as “day” throughout Genesis 1). He contends the creation of the “stuff” of light (its physical makeup) is likely not in view — instead the creation of time, or periods of time, is what would be important to ANE readers.

Another example is his discussion of Jeremiah 31:33 and the idea of the Torah being “written on the heart.” He points out that what may very well be in view here is the common practice of looking for omens by reading the internal organs of a slaughtered animal — this practice is known as extispicy. Unlike some passages in the OT that have individuals writing something down on their heart (where memory and mnemonic learning is likely implied), in Jeremiah it is Yahweh writing the law on Israel’s heart. The terms used are similar to those used in ANE passages about extispicy. A fuller excerpt may both illustrate Walton’s style and help us understand this particular point:

The revelation that is sought out in extispicy proceedings is for guidance in major decisions and understanding of the intentions and will of deity. If Yahweh were writing the torah on the heart of Israel, he would be providing the same sort of guidance…. how does having the torah written on the heart differ from having it written on stone tablets? If the metaphor is from the world of extispicy, the text indicates that with God’s instructions/law written on the heart of his people, there would be no need for continuing guidance to teach God’s law [editor note: see Jer. 31:34]…. God would be known through his people who would be living out the law faithfully. People with the law written on their heart become a medium of communication [emphasis original]. Writing on the heart replaces not the law, but the teaching of the law. The law on stone had to be taught and could be ignored. The law on the heart represents a medium of modeling, in which case it is not being ignored. In this interpretation of the metaphor, then, the heart is a medium, not a repository. The metaphor would be one of revelation, not of memory. (p. 258)

So in light of the preceding, does the Bible borrow from ANE literature? Is it just another old book that happened to survive? Walton’s answer would be no. He repeatedly points out that it is the “common cognitive environment” that is shared by the Bible and other ANE works of literature. There is no direct borrowing, and the complexities of how different ideas influenced different cultures cannot easily be traced. What is clear is that the OT confronts ANE culture even as it borrows much from that cognitive environment. It traces out clear lines of discontinuity with the culture of its day, yet does not purport to update the thinking of ancients when it comes to science, ontology and sociology. Instead, the Bible reveals Yahweh and His covenant to Israel and calls Israel to live distinctly in their own culture.

This question of ANE influence on the Bible is a point of contention in today’s world. Walton will equip you to face the question dead-on and come away with an even greater appreciation for just what the Bible has to offer. Being aware of what type of literature forms the Old Testament’s cognitive background can help us approach the text with more understanding. I greatly benefited from this book, and recommend it highly to any who teach or preach from the Old Testament.

Where to Buy:

“Reformation Women: Sixteenth-Century Figures Who Shaped Christianity’s Rebirth” by Rebecca VanDoodewaard

The 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s nailing his 95 Theses to the church door in Wittenberg is coming this October, and you can be sure dozens of books commemorating the Reformation and its significance will be published. It certainly is a good time to reflect on what the Reformation is all about.

Rebecca VanDoodewaard has written a book in this vein that highlights the often forgotten impact that women made in the key events of that tumultuous period. Her book Reformation Women: Sixteenth-Century Figures Who Shaped Christianity’s Rebirth is a fascinating read and will be an encouragement and inspiration to many who read it.

Her book borrows from a series of articles written in the 1800s and compiled into one volume by James Isaac Good in 1901 under the title Famous Women of the Reformed Church. In VanDoodewaard’s book, the content from Good is “revised, expanded, and corrected to make the stories of these remarkable women accessible for today’s church” (p. xiv). Many of the original chapters were removed and a chapter on Katherine Willoughby was added to adapt the work to its author’s purpose of highlighting lesser known Reformation-era women. Indeed, the stories of more recognizable figures, such as Katharina von Bora (Martin Luther’s wife) and Lady Jane Grey (the nine-day Protestant queen of England) are readily available elsewhere. The women included in this volume are largely forgotten, and that is part of the appeal of this short work.

Twelve women are detailed in this book, and their stories interweave with the progress of the Reformation in France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, England and beyond. Since many readers will be ignorant of the historical background, a brief introduction is provided to orient us to the major historical developments of the era. A “pastoral” conclusion aims to draw life lessons for Christian women today from the history contained in this volume. A timeline, and some family trees, round out the volume, which concludes with a detailed bibliography. In all, the book is less than 130 pages, so the treatment of any one character is by necessity not fully developed.

Reading through the stories of these women transports the reader into a very different age. Daring escapes, harrowing journeys, heartbreak and sorrows abound. Many of these ladies lost husband (or husbands) and children to religious war, or violent persecution. Some had children removed and placed in Roman Catholic families. Some saw family members betray them or deny the faith.  The plague, “sweating sickness” and other maladies devastated some, and others faced deprivation. In the midst of these trying circumstances, these women served their Lord and His church faithfully. They provided for the needy, sheltered the homeless, visited those in prison, secured the release of their friends and family sometimes, and one even led a Protestant army in the defense of their freedom. Many of these women were of noble birth, and some became queens, a few were scholars in their own right and kept up correspondence with leading Reformers.

From the descriptions above you can imagine how interesting this book is to read. And yet the stories are sad too: we don’t know enough about these women to truly appreciate their worth, and many died far too young. But what we do know is cause for reflection: we can thank God for those who worked so hard to preserve religious freedom and to keep the newly recovered faith intact. We can learn from their example of faithfulness under fire (which some endured quite literally) and be cautioned by those whose testimony was marred or confused through doctrinal laxity or temporary weakness. The examples provided do much to teach Christian women that timidity and quietness do not necessarily equate with godliness. These women were often bold and determined, yet they knew their place and served often alongside their husbands. The stories of these women is a compelling case in point that a complementarian position on women’s roles in the church need not mean that women have no meaningful contributions to make to the church and its ministry!

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and plan to encourage my girls to read it. This makes me want to read more of this period of church history, and I hope it has the same effect on others. I highly recommend this book.

Book Blurbs:

Reformation Women is a book of rare quality and interest as Rebecca VanDoodewaard opens up a whole new dimension in the ongoing story of Christ’s church. We learn of the enormous contribution made by twelve women to the progress of the Reformation in the sixteenth century. Here we have women from diverse backgrounds—some of whose names we can hardly pronounce—whom God raised up and used in a remarkable way. You will be humbled and inspired by these pages and long to serve God better in whatever sphere you have been placed.” ~ Faith Cook, author of Lady Jane Grey: Nine Day Queen of England and several other Christian biographies and historical books

“Few accessible works exist on the heroines of the Reformation, so I read these biographies with the desire to learn. But I walked away with more than learning; I was challenged and inspired. I have new heroes of the faith, and so will every Christian who reads this wonderful collection.” ~ Jason Helopoulos, associate pastor, University Reformed Church, Lansing, Michigan

Where to Buy:


This book was provided by the publisher. I was under no obligation to offer a favorable review.

“Interpreting the Pauline Letters: An Exegetical Handbook” by John D. Harvey

Interpreting the Pauline Letters: An Exegetical Handbook by John D. HarveyBook Details:
  • Author: John D. Harvey
  • Category: Biblical Studies
  • Book Publisher: Kregel (2012)
  • Format: softcover
  • Page Count: 211
  • ISBN#: 9780825427671
  • List Price: $22.99
  • Rating: Recommended

The life of a pastor is busy. Hectic may be a better word. And in the 21st Century, the pace of life has quickened for everyone, while the expectations for what a pastor must do have only increased. Fortunately, there are an abundance of books and resources designed to give the pastor or teacher a helping hand. Interpreting the Pauline Letters by John D. Harvey, will prove not only helpful but indispensable in the study of the Pauline Epistles.

The book is an exegetical handbook designed to prepare the pastor, teacher or student for an intensive study through Paul’s letters. But it doesn’t stop there. Harvey’s intent is not merely to educate about the historical background of these treasured NT epistles. He aims to facilitate a pastoral application of the Word for today’s hearers. To that end, the book includes a section on how to craft an expositional sermon as well as two examples where Harvey walks through all the steps in preparing a sermon on a text from one of Paul’s letters.

The book begins with a study of the genre of Paul’s letters, comparing Paul’s writing with formal and informal letter styles from the ancient world. Harvey draws careful, balanced conclusions from a comparison of the structure of all of Paul’s letters and explains the function of various sub-units of Paul’s letters. In this chapter, I was introduced to the terms “apostolic parousia” and “apostolic apologia” which play an important role in Paul’s letters and have commonalities with other ancient letters. He also looks at the role rhetoric plays in Paul’s letters. I found his thoughts on the genre to be instructive and not overblown: a helpful survey to keep in mind as one approaches Paul’s letters.

Next Harvey surveys the historical background of Paul’s writings. This section was perhaps the most fascinating. The conservative pastor will be appreciative that the arguments for and against Paul’s authorship of all the traditional Pauline epistles are briefly surveyed and a defense of Pauline authorship – even of the pastoral epistles, is presented. He defends Pauline authorship well but in a cursory manner. He then argues for the integrity of the epistles as we find them in Scripture – 2 Corinthians and Philippians in particular are discussed. He then attempts to build a chronology of the historical background for Paul’s letters from a study of just the letters themselves. He compares this with what we find in Acts and finds complementarity not disharmony. He presents an interesting argument for Philippians being the last of Paul’s letters, but presents the traditional view as well. He is careful not to base too much on historical reconstructions where the evidence is slim. Harvey shines in this section as he navigates the reader through the ins and outs of Pauline scholarship.

The handbook continues with a section on Paul’s theology, which emphasizes “the great transfer” from darkness to light, from being in the world to being in Christ, from Satan’s dominion to the power of God. He traces a theology of each of the letters as well. He only briefly discusses “covenantal nomism” and the New Pauline Perspective, arguing for a traditional view. This in my view is the book’s biggest weakness. By only briefly surveying that issue, and by brief I mean about a half page, the handbook is perhaps more acceptable by a wider audience, but it is less helpful for the busy pastor who wants to know more about this important Pauline question.

The book then moves away from a laser focus on Paul’s epistles to a more generic approach to studying Scripture. Textual criticism and translation are discussed, with several approaches for busy teachers – from comparing translations to doing you own translation from the Greek text (advocated as the best approach). In this section I was pleased to see the Majority Text view of Byzantine priority given equal treatment with the prevailing preference for Alexandrian manuscripts. Most works of this scholarly nature hardly give the Byzantine perspective any mention at all. It is almost a certainty that for conservative pastors, the question of Byzantine priority will come up. Harvey attempts to be even-handed even while ultimately siding with the majority scholarly opinion. After focusing on translation and defining the text to be studied, he gives a general study of how to interpret passages synthetically. He focuses on historical, lexical/linguistic, and theological analyses in a brief but helpful way. The historical analyses were redundant for this book and a bit distracting in my perspective, but everything else was quite useful.

In the next section, Harvey focused on homiletics and how to build a sermon using deductive or inductive patterns. Like the previous sections on translation and interpretation, the examples were from Paul’s epistles but the content was broad and applicable to all of the New Testament. It is here that he also focuses on applying the text to the 21st Century.

In the final section he provides two case-studies applying all the tools, starting with textual criticism and translation of the text, to historical study, literary/linguistic analysis, syntactical study, theological analysis, appropriation, and homiletical packaging. Walking the reader through his method helps bring the whole book together.

I was impressed with how useful and accessible this handbook was for the average reader. It will benefit lay teachers and pastors alike. While it doesn’t cover everything I would like, it is a fine resource which stays faithful to a conservative approach to Scripture. This book is one of a series produced by Kregel Publications: the “Handbooks for New Testament Exegesis.” There is also an OT set of handbooks as well. I’ll be wanting to collect the entire set after my time spent reading through this example. I encourage you to check out this helpful series as well.

Author Info:
John D. Harvey is Professor of New Testament and Dean of the Seminary and School of Ministry at Columbia International University in Columbia, SC. He earned his Doctor of Theology degree from Wycliffe College at the University of Toronto. His previous books include Listening to the Text: Oral Patterning in Paul’s Letters, Greek is Good Grief: Laying the Foundation for Exegesis and Exposition, and Anointed with the Spirit and Power: A Biblical Theology of Holy Spirit Empowerment. He is an ordained teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church in America and is actively involved in pulpit supply. He has served cross-culturally in Europe and Africa.

Where to Buy:
  • Amazon.com
  • Christianbook.com
  • Direct from Kregel

This book was provided by Kregel Publishers. The reviewer was under no obligation to offer a positive review.

Author Interview: Andrew Comings on The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max

As a follow up to my recent review of The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max, I was able to get the author to answer some interview questions. The interview highlights the motives behind this exciting project. Since I’m the book review editor for Sharper Iron, I posted this interview and the review there as well, but I wanted to share it here for my readers.

1) Missionary Max reminds me of part Indiana Jones part David Livingstone yet the book is set in the technologically advanced now. Can you describe some of the backstory to how you came up with such a character?

First and foremost, I wanted Max to be a character that young men could identify with. What boy doesn’t thrill to the harrowing adventures of Indiana Jones? And what missionary better exemplifies the enterprising personality so essential to missions than David Livingston?

And while Max does indeed live in today’s world, he spends most of his time on Cabrito, which lags far behind the rest of the world in technology. The technology gap is a challenge real-life missionaries (especially Americans) face, to varying degrees, every day. Not every mission field is as backward as Cabrito, but some are worse. Cabrito, after all, has at least one functional pay phone.

2) You yourself are a missionary in Brazil, is that right? Does your mission work and cross-cultural experience stand behind this story or were you interested in something like this tale before you ever went to Brazil?

At this point I should make two things clear: 1) The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max is not autobiographical. While some of my life experiences have found their way into the book (you can read about one of those here), the story is pure fiction. 2) Cabrito—the tiny (fictional) island where Max has his adventures—is not Brazil. While there are some similarities (both are former Portuguese colonies and speak the Portuguese language, for example) there are noted differences. My adopted country is an economic and cultural powerhouse, making it’s voice heard on the world stage. Cabrito is a “banana republic” that doesn’t even appear on most maps.

Having said all that, the idea grew on me during our first term in Brazil. I kept hearing people say “missions is an adventure.” It seemed logical to me that every adventure deserves some sort of heroic figure. If archaeologists get their own action hero, why not missionaries? And once my mind began going in that direction, Missionary Max was born.

3) The book seems to be written from a guy’s perspective, and some of the themes, such as the chemistry between Max and Ilana, seem more suited to older teens and adults. What is your target audience for the book?

My target audience is teens to young-adults…especially guys. I remember reading Tarzan books as a kid, and then immediately going out to try my hand at being “king of the jungle” in the little patch of woods behind our house. In a recent documentary it was shown how, after the first Indiana Jones movies were released, there was a spike in the number of young men entering the field of archaeology.

The woods behind my house is far different from Edgar Rice Burroughs’ romanticized Africa, an archaeologist’s work is far different from that portrayed on the screen by Harrison Ford, and my ministry here in Brazil bears little resemblance to that of Maxwell Sherman.

Yet, it is my hope that The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max, in presenting somewhat of a romanticized ideal, will stir the hearts of young people—young men in particular—to pursue the genuine article.

4) The book as it stands now, is available in three parts by Kindle ebook. Is it available in other ebook formats and are there any plans for a hard copy version?

It can also be purchased at Barnes & Noble for the Nook. Right now I am writing the second of what will be a total of four Missionary Max books. When those are all released electronically—and depending on their sales performance—the publisher has plans to release a print version that will be an anthology of all four books.

5) What motivates you as a Christian fiction author? And what are you hoping to accomplish through writing?

I love writing. I come from a family that valued the written word (we didn’t even have a TV when I was growing up), and I was never content just consuming…I wanted to produce.

As a Christian author, I would have to say that my greatest motivation is being able to edify my own generation, and those to follow. Every time I pick up something by Spurgeon or Edwards, or even C.S. Lewis, I reflect on how their investment of time and effort while they were alive is still bearing fruit long after their death.

6) As a fan of Missionary Max, I am glad to see you have more adventures planned! But beyond that, do you see any other writing projects in your future?

Right now I’m concentrating on finishing the Missionary Max series. My ministry activities don’t allow me much time to go beyond that. There are some ideas rolling around in my head—perhaps in the future they will see the light of day.

7) As a self-identified fundamentalist, you must be aware of the kinds of books that fundamentalists have written over the years — particularly missionary fiction tales. Does this background factor into your book?

Right off the top of my head, I can think of two positive influences from my formative years. The first were the missionary tales that were often featured in the Sunday School papers printed by RBP (Regular Baptist Press) during my childhood and adolescence. These stories were often presented in serial form, and were exciting enough to keep me coming back for more, well into my teens. I don’t know if RBP still publishes these…but if they don’t, it’s a shame.

The second example is a series of books written by the late Stan Best, Baptist Mid Missions missionary to the Amazon region of Brazil. I read his “Hidden City of the Amazon” series as a teen, and it kept my attention as much as any of the other adventure novels I was imbibing at the time.

To be certain, some other “fundy fiction” leaves much to be desired…but the same can be said for many, many books in the larger Christian fiction genre as well.

8) Are you intending to reach wider circles than just fundamentalist readers?

Yes. I have never had any desire to “preach to the choir.” By God’s grace I will never compromise the fundamentals of the faith, but I do want to present said fundamentals in a way that will cause others—even non-believers—to sit up and take notice.

9) Any thoughts on the unique pressures that come into play as a conservative Christian author?

For me, writing the kind of fiction that I do, the great challenge is to be authentic without being vulgar. For example, how do you make the villain truly and convincingly evil, and yet keep the book inoffensive? Or, even more difficult, how do you describe female dress in a native tribe and not scandalize?

In the next book, one of the subplots is the visit of Max’s American girlfriend Mary Sue—who has grown up in the typical (some will say stereotypical) sheltered, fundamentalist bubble. Like trying to parody a supermarket tabloid, I am finding it difficult to exaggerate some of the outlandish responses I have witnessed by similar people in similar circumstances.

10) Would you have any parting words to leave with our readers, about the importance of cross-cultural missions?

Just that here on the field we notice a steady decrease in the number of new missionaries. This is depressing. Please do not succumb to the false and incoherent idea that there is no more place for American missionaries in fields like Brazil. The job description may not be the same as it was fifty years ago, but there is still plenty of work to be done.

Thanks Andrew, for your time. I know that I’ll be eagerly awaiting the future installments of Max and his astonishing adventures. I hope the series does well and makes an impression on the next generation of young readers, who may very well follow Max (and his author) to the mission field.

Author Information: Born in Ithaca, New York, Andrew Comings visited Brazil for the first time when he was seventeen. He currently serves as a missionary in São Luís, Brazil, with his wife, Itacyara and their two children, Michael and Nathanael.

Disclaimer: This book was provided by the author for review. I was under no obligation to offer a favorable review.

The book is available from Amazon.com (for your Kindle or in paperback).

Learn more about the book and its author (a real life missionary) at the author’s blog.

In the Box: Books from Kregel, Brazos, Eerdmans and IVP

In the Box posts highlight new books I’ve received in the mail.

Over the last couple years, I’ve really enjoyed staying up to date with many of the new books being published by the major Christian publishers. This year, I plan to share news and thoughts on publishing and books more often here at Fundamentally Reformed. One of the recurring posts I plan to showcase is my “In the Box” series. In these posts, I’ll showcase new books received or purchased in the last week or so.

Today’s post will cover the last 3 weeks or thereabouts — and it won’t cover all the books I’ve received, otherwise this will get too long. I won’t mention (or I guess I am mentioning!) that I just love the NIV Application Commentary series and am slowly adding to my collection. Or that I picked up the IVP Bible Background Commentary on the OT to match my NT volume. Well, enough about that, now on to the new titles of note I’ve received in the last 2-3 weeks or so.

Invitation to Biblical Interpretation by Andreas Kostenberger and Richard Patterson (Kregel)

Never before have I encountered a book with this many endorsements! I counted 39 endorsements on 13 pages! The book is quite impressive, so I guess it earned all the glowing remarks. With that many positive remarks from so many different respected Christian leaders, I am all the more excited to read and review this book! It looks to be an accessible and comprehensive manual on interpreting Scripture.

UPDATE: Read my review of this book here.

To learn more about the book, visit the book detail page at Kregel, or check out the sample pages at Westminster Bookstore.

Reformation Commentary on Scripture – Volume 12: Ezekiel, Daniel (IVP)

This is the second volume in the Reformation Commentary on Scripture series from IVP. They are doing for the Reformation era writers what they did with the Church Fathers in the Ancient Christian Commentary series. Many of the comments included in this book have never before been available in English. It promises to open up a window into the thought of the Reformers like nothing else. This is also a beautiful volume, that will earn a prominent spot on anyone’s bookshelf.

To learn more about the book, visit the book detail page at InterVarsity Press, or check out the preview available at Amazon.com.

The Best of The Reformed Journal edited by James Bratt and Ronald Wells (Eerdmans)

This book brings the best articles from The Refromed Journal, which was a top-notch journal from 1951 to 1990. The selections range from comments on humor and literature to politics and theology. Reflections on Billy Graham and JFK, baseball and Watergate, the Vietnam war and conservatism. This anthology promises to be an enjoyable look at some of the best evangelical writing of years gone by. Authors of the excerpted articles include Richard Mouw, George Marsden, Mark Noll, Cornelius Plantinga, Nicholas Wolterstorff, Stanley Hauerwas and many others.

UPDATE: Read my review of this book here.

To learn more about the book, visit the book detail page at Eerdmans, or check out the preview available at Amazon.com.

The Evolution of Adam: What the Bible Does and Doesn’t Say about Human Origins by Peter Enns (Brazos Press)

I will have much more to say about this book in the near future. I jumped into this work with both feet as soon as it arrived at my door. I was intrigued by the subject matter and impressed with Enns’ writing abilities. But ultimately, I was disappointed and alarmed by how far he took things.

The topic is controversial so there will be a variety of opinions on this, I’m sure. Enns seeks to show how we should best think of Adam in light of evolution. His contention is that Scripture is often misunderstood when it comes to the Adam story. It remains to be seen whether he succeeds in his quest.

To learn more about the book, visit the book detail page at Brazos Press, or check out the excerpt available at Christianbook.com.