Rejecting Geocentrism: What’s the Real Motivation?

I feel that the question of the age of the earth has become much more caustic in recent years. This debate has been increasingly polarized with each camp thinking the absolute worst of the other. But how important is such a debate anyway? I would contend that the earth’s age is not all that important as Christians who firmly reject natural evolution are to be found on both sides of that question.

Recently this debate was again brought to our attention through a pair of high profile blog posts. Justin Taylor (Senior VP and Publisher at Crossway), whose blog is hosted by The Gospel Coalition, shared the following post: “Biblical Reasons to Doubt the Creation Days Were 24-Hour Periods.” This post was not well accepted by young earth creationists such as Ken Ham. Ham came out with a strongly worded response: “Rejecting Six Literal Days — What’s the Real Motivation?” Now, never mind that just a couple days prior, Taylor had shared “5 Scientific Problems with Current Theories of Biological and Chemical Evoluion.” Poor guy, he is getting flak from both sides of the creation science debate!

As I read Ham’s title and then his blog post, I first bristled at his willingness to read Taylor’s motives. Is not grappling with the text important, whether or not modern science pulls us one way or another? Here is a sampling of Ham’s reasoning:

I have found over and over again that because of the outside influence from the secular world in regard to an old earth/universe… many… will try to reinterpret the days of creation, or somehow allow for long ages somewhere in Genesis 1… to justify meshing Genesis with what is claimed to be “science.” Of course, when the word science is used in relation to the age of the earth/universe, we are dealing with historical science (beliefs based on fallible assumptions) not observational science (the kind of science that builds technology).

I am prepared to go out on a limb, on the basis of my experience in the biblical creation apologetics ministry and of all I’ve read over the past 40+ years, to say this. When Christian leaders today are rejecting a dogmatic stand on six literal, 24-hour days of creation and a young earth, if you search their writings or question them, you will find that ultimately their thinking is being controlled by the belief in an old earth/universe (billions of years)…. You simply do not get the idea of millions or billions of years from Scripture—it comes from outside of Scripture….

And thus I am saying the age of the earth/universe comes down to an authority issue.

On second thought, Ham might be right. At the root of attempts to re-examine Genesis stands the scientific discovery that the earth is unimaginably old. But ultimatley, we must ask, is it wrong to examine afresh our interpretation of Scripture in light of science? I would argue no, and I believe Ham himself is guilty of the same thing.

I’m talking about geocentrism – the idea that the earth is at the center of the universe. This was the Christian interpretation of the world prior to Copernicus’ revolution. Even the early Reformers did not countenance a rejection of this view. I just shared a review of a Christian scholar from the 1960s who still held to a preference for geocentrism even then. And some conservative Christian professors today still argue for such a view.

Science is clear, and the observations shows that the earth is not the center of the universe, and looking at Scripture in a fresh light, the church came to agree that phenomenological language does not constitute an assertion that the earth actually has 4 corners, and is fixed on pillars, with the sun going on a journey around the immobile earth each day.

Ham tries to quibble over the science behind an old earth by claiming that such science is not observational – but this is to turn science on its head. Much of the science that gives us techonology is not strictly observational, but based on observations which reinforce interpretations based on an examination of the evidence. And there are scientific tests done with carbon-14 and a host of other elements, that all agree. Blind tests with controls. Ham and many dispute the validity of such tests but have yet to come up with alternative tests that consistently (with similar controls) demonstrate a young age for the earth. These tests done by modern science converge with astronomical observations and learnings from astrophysics. At the very least many creation scientists would claim that the earth has an appearance of age. Doesn’t Answers in Genesis spend a lot of time grappling over the question of distant starlight?

Rejecting a young earth is not necessarily a matter of authority. The Scripture has authority, we all agree. The question is what does the text actually say. To go back to Taylor’s post, this really is an interpretational issue. There are clues in the text that today’s widespread Christian interpretation about the age of the earth may be in error. This would be similar to the widespread views of Christians in the 1600s being wrong about the position of the earth. Is it wrong to look anew at our interpretations and the Ancient Near Eastern evidence of Genesis 1-3 being of a particular genre. Could not some of the arguments Taylor offers be an honest grappling with the text in light of the influence of science and history.

Bending on our interpretation, reexamining the evidence — these actions do not prove one is abandoning biblical authority and embracing natural evolutionary science. Taylor himself gives us 5 reasons to doubt the current state of evolutionary theory. Instead these actions are incumbent on faithful Christian leaders. We need to make sure our interpretation is firmly grounded in the text. A lot is at stake in getting this right. Let’s make sure we die on the proper hill.

Some have examined the evidence afresh and have come away with a stronger position for a young earth. Don’t look at those who disagree with you and criticize them for examining the evidence too. We all are trying to grapple with science and our interpretation of Scripture. Where we disagree, lets do so charitably and with recognition that this isn’t an authority issue. Both sides uphold the authority of the text. We are all trying to make sure our interpretation is sound.

Sermon Download: The Church’s Greatest Need

This past Sunday I had the opportunity to fill the pulpit while our pastor was away. I used the opportunity to encourage the church with respect to “one-another” ministry. Years ago I did a blog post on this topic: the importance the New Testament places on all the “one-another” commands. I took my earlier post and molded it into a message, and it was well received.

If you don’t have time to listen to the entire sermon (48 minutes), please do look over my notes. May God bless this sermon to all who hear it, for His glory and by His grace.

Place: The Heights Church, St. Paul
Date: January 18, 2015
Title: The Church’s Greatest Need
Text: 1 Thess. 5:11-28
Notes: Download PDF
Audio Link: Click to listen (right click to download)

Bob’s Best Books of 2014

Another year has passed and that means it is time to post my “Bob’s best books” list! This will be my sixth annual post of listing the top books I read or reviewed in the past year.

The following titles represent the very best of the books I read or reviewed in 2014. If you are looking for some books worth reading this year, I hope you’ll give these titles some serious consideration.

Bob’s 10 Best:

God Dwells Among Us by G.K. Beale and Mitchell KimBest “Theology” bookGod Dwells Among Us: Expanding Eden to the Ends of the Earth by G.K. Beale and Mitchell Kim (IVP).  This was the book I was most eager to read. G.K. Beale’s larger work, The Temple and the Church’s Mission (IVP) is perhaps the best biblical theology title ever written. It certainly is a paradigm-shifting, transformative work that unpacks the significance of the temple theme from Genesis all the way to Revelation. The one draw-back of that title is its headiness. It is scholarly to the extreme and requires a firm mind and lots of effort to wade through the work and unearth its many treasures. Mitchell Kim has done us all a favor in taking Beale’s excellent work and bringing it down to the bottom shelf where everyone can enjoy it. With Beale as co-author, the work is not only simplified and clarified, it is also updated. The result is the best takeaway that biblical theology can offer – a pastoral application of the temple theme for Christians here and now. This is now my go-to book to recommend and encourage anyone interested in biblical theology to read. It is accessible and truly life-changing. I hope this book receives as eager a reception as its predecessor did, and I trust it may make an even more lasting impact. Read my full review for more on this book.

Judges for You by Tim KellerBest “Commentary & Reference” book — Judges for You by Tim Keller (The Good Book Company).  Any book by Tim Keller is worth reading. This commentary is no exception. He has a gift for knowing where people struggle with something, and where it is that careful explanation will especially help. Judges is a book that is easily “out-of-touch” for modern Christians. And more, it provides some jarring contrasts with our modern sensibilities and the acts of genocide that are found there. Keller masterfully handles all this while emphasizing the Gospel message found in Judges. He applies the text and explains it, and provides helpful discussion and study questions. The book would be great for a small group study. Read my full review for more on this great commentary.

The Pastor's Kid by Barnabus Piper Best “General Christian Interest” bookThe Pastor’s Kid by Barnabus Piper (David C. Cook /ChristianAudio).  I was interested in this book for two reasons. First, I, myself, and a pastor’s kid. My dad was an assistant pastor, a pastor, then an assistant pastor again, and finally a missionary. Don’t know what kind of acronym that gives me! Second, I was a member at John Piper’s church for a few years, and Barnabus is one of his sons. The book did not disappoint. Piper had helpful advice for both the PK trying to recover from his experience, and the pastor in the midst of rearing a PK. Piper interviewed several pastors kids for his book, and is honest about the fact that some have jettisoned the faith altogether. Piper has not, but he opens up about the struggles unique to a pastor’s kid. What I found most helpful was his grace-centered thoughts on the dangers of legalism. My review of this title will be forthcoming.

The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert by Rosaria Champagne Butterfield Honorable Mention — The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert by Rosaria Champagne Butterfield (Crown and Covenant / ChristianAudio).  I had heard a lot about this book, and was eager to listen to the author read her own story on the ChristianAudio production of this work. It did not disappoint. The author’s story of conversion of a lesbian chair of women’s studies at Syracuse University into an evangelical Christian who went on to marry a Reformed pastor. Personal testimonies are always encouraging but this tale has a caution as well. She challenges the church to be more loving and welcoming to homosexuals, and to recognize where we needlessly offend.  Read my review for more on this fascinating book.

Isaiah by the Day by Alec Motyer Best “Christian Living” book — Isaiah by the Day by Alec Motyer (Christian Focus).  I may be stretching this category a bit, but this devotional from Alec Motyer is perfect for anyone. The book includes helpful devotional readings from the book of Isaiah. The text is a fresh translation by the author, complete with textual footnotes that help clarify the meaning of the original Hebrew. Each reading is situated within the scope and flow of the book as a whole, and it is this outline and care for context that I found so helpful. With such a large book as Isaiah, it is easy to get lost, as it were. Motyer has lived and breathed Isaiah for a good portion of his teaching ministry. And this is no stale study, the devotional comments that conclude each reading apply the text to our contemporary situation. Over and again I was blessed, first by Isaiah and then by the insights Motyer pulled from the text. Don’t look for a critical breaking-apart of this magisterial book, Motyer’s portrayal illustrates why we can view the entire book as written by a single Isaiah. In all, this scholarly book would make for a very helpful devotional for anyone. My full review will be forthcoming, but for now enjoy a sample reading in this post.

Can We Still Believe the Bible? by Craig Blomberg Best “Missions & Church Life” bookCan We Still Believe the Bible? by Craig Blomberg (Brazos Press).  I wasn’t sure what to expect from this title. The full title made me interested in it, Can We Still Believe the Bible?: An Evangelical Engagement with Contemporary Questions. Today there are certainly a lot of “contemporary questions” and no shortage of critics who malign the uniqueness and validity of Scripture. Additionally, not a few evangelical scholars are quick to throw bones to today’s critics as more and more they move further from historic biblical orthodoxy. Blomberg’s interaction with common objections to Christianity is refreshing. He writes from a clear stance of faith. And while at times he does add nuance and demur from a typical enangelical position, for the most part he brings the best of evangelical scholarship to bear on the thorniest problems, defending the canonicity of the NT, the authenticity of the biblical text, a conservative position on inerrancy and more. There will be areas where not everyone will agree with him, but the end product is incredibly helpful by almost any measure. My review is forthcoming. For more on this title, check out Michael Kruger’s helpful review.

Basil of Ceasarea by Marvin Jones Best “Church History & Biography” bookBasil of Ceasarea by Marvin Jones (Christian Focus).  I enjoy learning about church history and this book introduced me to Basil. He lived and ministered when the biblical doctrine of the trinity was under attack from all sides. Basil’s writings helped solidify the orthodox position. He also critiqued the practice of how monks kept their order in his day. Over time his views changed as he read and studied more, and in time his ministry and writings ended up impacting the church in significant ways. Chances are you don’t know much about him, and my brief summary here only scratches the surface. Pick up this title to learn more of the man, Basil, and read my review for more on this book.

Jonathan Edwards by Simonetta Carr Best “Childrens & Family” book — Jonathan Edwards by Simonetta Carr (Reformation Heritage).  Almost every year I have a book by Simonetta Carr on my list. She has a gift for bringing the lives of significant figures from church history to life for children. Her Christian Biographies for Young Readers series is a beautiful set to own, thanks to the brilliant illustrations. It is also perhaps the best series for teaching children to respect and learn from church history. Jonathan Edwards is a favorite of mine, and this account of his life brings out many details that adults may be quick to overlook, such as Edwards’ careful description of the flying spider and his allowing his ten year old son to travel in the Indian territory as a junior missionary. Like other titles in this series, intriguing facts, maps, pictures and other sidebars abound in this book, all the more to help engage and educate the readers. Read my review for more on this book.

A Draw of Kings by Patrick CarrBest “Fiction” bookA Draw of Kings by Patrick Carr (Bethany House).  I enjoy well-written fiction. Clean fantasy is my favorite genre. So I was elated to find this magnificent series by Patrick Carr. This book is the thrilling conclusion of his “The Staff and The Sword” trilogy. The world created in this series includes a kingdom, a magesterial church, and a heresy which turns out to be more orthodox than it seemed. Oh, and it includes another sector of society, those gifted with the ability to cast lots. An unlikely hero and an impossible confontation come together in the culmination of this epic tale. I compare Carr with Stephen Lawhead or Terry Brooks. I was truly impressed and caught up in the tales until I finished all three. If you’re looking for a great new series to try this year, look no further than this set. Read my review for more.

The Advocate by Randy SingerHonorable Mention — The Advocate by Randy Singer (Tyndale House / ChristianAudio).  This was a very long book but a fascinating piece of historical fiction. The life of Theophilus is imagined and his 1st Century world described in a masterful way. Theophilus is an advocate, and studied under Seneca, but found himself in the service of Pontius Pilate. The book spends a lot of time developing the main character and pushing forward a romance, and at first Christianity is only a tangential concern. But as the character’s life progresses, in time he is called to put faith in Jesus Christ. The tale is much more complicated than that, there is a complicated love triangle, gladiators and conspircies, and two maniacal emperors. The tale becomes engrossing the longer it goes and by the end you are loathe to leave Theophilus behind. I was completely impressed by this story and hope to sample other works from this author.  My review is forthcoming.

All the Rest:

This year was busier than most, and I only managed to read 35 books and review 20. My total of book and media reviews is now 187 from more than 35 different publishers. You can see all my reviews listed here. If you’re interested in seeing all of the other books I read this year, you can check out that list at Goodreads.

For my previous “Bob’s Best Books” lists, see below.

Additionally, if you are an avid reader, you may want to follow my reviews or friend me on Goodreads or LibraryThing.

Sunday Evening Services: Helpful or Not Helpful?

smallchurch“I Want to Be More than a Sunday-Go-To-Meeting-Christian,” says an old-time song. For many, that means we take pride in attending church every time the doors are open. Some church traditions have a mid-week service and others have a Sunday evening service, with many having both. These, of course, are in addition to the Sunday School hour and the Sunday morning worship service.

But in Evangelicalism lately, more and more churches are abandoning the Sunday evening service. Is this a move toward a “lite” version of Christianity? Are such churches compromising or lowering their standards?

Most of the time the answer is clearly no. There are a variety of reasons for abandoning the Sunday evening service. And one reason is that the tradition of a Sunday night service is relatively new. The notion of a Sunday evening service dates to the revivalist days of the 1800s where this service would often be evangelistic in nature – and an early draw was the modern innovation of gas lamps or even electric lighting. But this is not entirely a new idea. Earlier, in both the Reformed and Puritan traditions, there were often second services held in the afternoon (when it was still light). The second service was often for catechism, and spending the day at church helped prevent people from profaning the Sabbath.

There is nothing wrong with additional church services, but we must remember that the very notion of a church service is not possible in some scenarios where the church is persecuted. Certainly the custom of the Church has had to change over the years. It appears that an evening service was the only one possible when slaves were members in NT times (and they had to work 7 days a week). Culture and regional preferences resulted in a variety of traditions over the centuries. The Bible doesn’t mandate specific meeting times, other than an emphasis on meeting on the Lord’s Day. We should not be hesitant to adapt to the culture we find ourselves in. Our age is so busy, that packing in an extra service on the Lord’s Day usually doesn’t lead to a more restful and worshipful reality. More services might be better, but must all worship and study be done in a formal church gathering? In many churches, the faithful are worn out from all the service they render for the church and don’t have enough energy left to get much out of the final service of the day. It seems the more active a church is, the more services it requires of its members–and the more obligated and stretched these members feel.

Many consevative churches eschew the evening service to make small groups easier to schedule. It isn’t about avoiding church so much as encouraging more effective ministry and fellowship. Other churches don’t want to ask too much of people preferring their members to focus on the primary message and enjoy rest and fellowship with their families.

An extra service may weigh down the congregation. It can become a measuring stick to see who is performing well. My legalistic heart and background probably clouds my perception, but I find such demands burdensome and have a hard time resisting the urge to measure up every chance I can. Worship should be about the Lord, not about us checking off boxes or jumping through hoops. Personally, I enjoy the freedom of an extra night with family – and more time to think on the things I’ve heard and studied. Every other Sunday afternoon we host a small group in our home. We can do this much more easily without the extra burden of another service.

I’m spurred to share my thoughts on this in light of a recent article from a Fundamental Baptist leader, Paul Chappel. His article is not intended to offend, but it is almost impossible not to read between the lines and see what he really thinks of churches that don’t have a Sunday evening service. Another pastor recently shared a response that was charitably written and helpful. Reading the two posts back to back can give a fuller picture and provide a helpful contrast in evaluating this topic.

Don’t get me wrong, Sunday evening services can be wonderful. There is nothing wrong with churches choosing to meet regularly in this way. But neither is there anything wrong with churches choosing to drop such a service. May we view people on both sides of this question with respect and love. May God bless us as we seek to follow Him more closely, in our families and our churches.

Here are the posts for your further consideration and I welcome any comments below.

Michael Kruger Responds to Newsweek’s “Desperate Swipe at the Integrity of the Bible”

Predictably, a major US magazine published a popular criticism of the Bible just in time for a biblical holiday. But the recent Newsweek cover article by Kurt Eichenwald, entitled “The Bible: So Misunderstood It’s a Sin,” is making waves for how ferocious and misguided its criticism actually is.

Evangelical scholar, Michael J. Kruger took issue with the article stating it “goes so far beyond the standard polemics, and is so egregiously mistaken about the Bible at so many places, that the magazine should seriously consider a public apology to Christians everywhere.”

Kruger’s two-part response to Eichenwald’s piece is worth reading. He is measured, calm and clear. The result is a defense of the faith against several of the popular attacks circulating in today’s world.

If you have time, look through the comments as well, the author of the Newsweek piece even shows up and Kruger is patient and careful in trying to address many of the issues raised in the comments section as well.

Here are links to Kruger’s posts.