Book Endorsement: “The Doctrine of Scripture” by Jason Harris

The Doctrine of Scripture by Jason HarrisToday’s book review post is special for two reasons. First, this marks the 150th book review I’ve posted here at Fundamentally Reformed. Second, this review includes the foreword I was privileged to write for this book.

The Doctrine of Scripture: As It Relates to the Transmission and Preservation of the Text by Jason Harris is published by InFocus Ministries in Australia. I’m excited to recommend this new book to my readers here in the United States as I believe this book can go a long way toward helping those confused or entangled by King James Onlyism.

My Foreword

Another book on the King James Only debate? Much ink has been spilled and many passions expended in what may be the ugliest intramural debate plaguing conservative, Bible-believing churches today. Fundamentalists and Evangelicals, Baptists and Presbyterians, Reformed and charismatic — all have been affected to a greater or lesser extent by those arguing for or against the King James or New King James Versions of the Bible. With each new book it seems the debate becomes more and more caustic, each group castigating the other in ever more forceful terminology.

Jason Harris enters the fray with the right blend of humility and tenacity, and turns the attention of all to the true center of the debate: the doctrine of Scripture. What makes this debate so passionate is that it centers on the very nature of Scripture. Rather than focus on technical facts and ancient manuscript copying practices, Harris takes us back to what Scripture says about itself: its inspiration, preservation and accessibility. In doing so, he demonstrates how those upholding the King James Bible and the Textus Receptus behind it, base their position not on sound exegesis of the Scripture, but on tenuous assumptions read into the text.

Harris’s pen is lucid and his grasp of the King James Only debate as a whole is masterful. He focuses his work on TR-only position which represents the very best of King James Only reasoning. He interacts with the exegesis of key TR-only proponents and marshals compelling evidence demonstrating their failure to measure up to Scripture’s own teaching about itself. And after explicating the doctrine of Scripture, Harris draws important conclusions which should protect the reader from making simplistic assumptions in a quest for textual certainty that goes beyond what Scripture teaches we should expect.

Harris wants us to be confident that we do have the inspired Scripture translated accurately in our English Bibles. He wants such confidence to be rooted to a Scriptural understanding of the Doctrine of Scripture rather than in the “supernatural-guidance” of a group of sixteenth-Century translators. Assuming that such a group of men made no mistakes is to expect something Scripture doesn’t teach, and ignore what it does. Harris is to be commended for such a clear, lucid defense of the historic doctrine of Scripture. I hope his book is received well and helps laymen and pastors everywhere to begin to rethink the basis for why they think as they do when it comes to the King James Only debate.

Bob Hayton

[pp. 9-10]

Additional Thoughts

After re-reading this book and seeing the published version, I am more optimistic than ever about its promise to provide clarity to the King James Only debate. Jason Harris’s book has a few characteristics which together make it a unique contribution to this debate.

First, his book focuses on the alleged doctrine of the verbal, plenary accessibility of Scripture. This is where the root of the KJV and TR preference lies for many people. The argument is not so much based on texts and manuscripts as it is on what allegedly the Bible teaches – that the very words of Scripture (all of them down to the letters) would be generally accessible to believers down through the ages. Harris spends most of his time marshaling a Scriptural rebuttal to these claims and also demonstrates the difficulties such a position has when it comes to the history of the text as we know it.

Second, this volume carefully builds a theology of the transmission and preservation of Scripture. Such a careful, exegetically-based explication of the doctrine of Scripture has been lacking in this debate. And such a gap has often been used by KJV-only proponents to their advantage. It is KJV-only books which start with a Scriptural position and then look at the evidence, with the “anti-KJV” books starting with history and evidence and then moving to the Scriptural arguments. This book is different and starts where the debate starts for most of the sincere believers who get swept up into it — it starts on Scripture’s teaching about the very nature and preservation of Scripture.

Finally, Harris keeps a very irenic tone throughout. He is careful not to overstate his case and exaggerate the claims of his opponents. This is especially difficult to do when it comes to this heated debate, but Jason pulls this off well. Additionally, he backs up his book with the inclusion of a vast array of footnotes documenting the claims he is arguing against. I appreciate how he does not direct his argument toward the Riplingers and Ruckmans of this debate. He focuses on the TR-only position and the more careful wing of KJV-onlyism, men like David Cloud, D.A. Waite, Charles Surret, and the like. Harris has read widely in the KJV only literature, and his treatment avoids broadbrushing and generalizations that tend to give KJV-only proponents an easy out. It’s easy to dismiss a book as not being directed to their particular position, or to claim the author makes egregious errors and lumps their position in with that of heretical views. Harris’s book is not open to such charges. He directs his case against the very best arguments of KJV-onlyism.

Had I been exposed to such a book I would have been inoculated to the pull of the KJV-only persuasion. As it happened, I was swept up in a TR-only view that made it seem like we had the corner on truth and everyone else was compromising. By God’s grace I came to understand that Scripture does not support such a view of the transmission of the text.

Jason Harris is to be thanked for giving us a tool to recommend to those thinking through this issue from within, and to help the ones who are being pressured to join the KJV-only position. I highly recommend The Doctrine of Scripture and hope it makes its way into the hands of anyone struggling with this issue who will yet be open-minded enough to study out the issue from both sides.

You can pick up a copy of The Doctrine of Scripture at

Disclaimer: This book was provided by the author. I was under no obligation to offer a favorable review.

James: Faith in Action. Parts 1-3

This Spring, I am teaching a 7-part SS series on the book of James, entitled “James: Faith in Action.” The audio is now available online for the first three lessons, and I have made my notes available in PDF.

Here are links to the lessons if you’re interested.

Sermon Download: David, Our Champion

This past Sunday I was called on to fill the pulpit. I had been wanting to preach a Christ-centered sermon from the Old Testament for quite some time, and was happy to have the opportunity. I used the well-known story of David and Goliath and was amazed by all the wonder there in the text.

If you don’t have time to listen to the entire sermon (57 minutes), please do look over my notes. If you haven’t heard a sermon about Jesus from the David and Goliath story, you’ll want to take note. Understanding Scripture in this way has the potential to be truly life-changing. May God bless this sermon to all who hear it, for His glory and by His grace.

          Place: Beacon of Hope Church, St. Paul
          Date: March 10, 2013
          Title: David, Our Champion
          Text: 1 Sam. 17
          Notes: Download PDF
          Audio Link: Listen online or download

Bob’s Best Books of 2012

I’m quite late this year in compiling my list of the top books I read or reviewed this past year. Better late than never! There were many great books that came across my desk, and I couldn’t begin to read all of them, although I wanted to. The following titles represent the very best of the books I did read or review in 2012, and I’m happy to recommend each of them for your consideration.

Bob’s 10 Best:

A New Testament Biblical Theology: The Unfolding of the Old Testament in the New by G.K. BealeBest “Theology” bookA New Testament Biblical Theology: The Unfolding of the Old Testament in the New by G.K. Beale (Baker). This book technically doesn’t qualify for my list. I’m only 2/3 of the way done with its 1,000 pages! But it has been so rewarding that I just couldn’t fail to include Beale’s masterpiece in my list. The last couple years I’ve been grabbing everything I can find by Beale, having finished his Temple and the Church’s Mission. This book is the fruit of his years of careful study and reflection on the biblical text. It is biblical theology par excellence. For more on this book, see this book excerpt or listen to Mark Dever’s interview with him. My review is forthcoming available here.

Christ-Centered Biblical Theology: Hermeneutical Foundations and Principles by Graeme GoldsworthyHonorable MentionChrist-Centered Biblical Theology: Hermeneutical Foundations and Principles by Graeme Goldsworthy (IVP). Another biblical theology gem is this work by Graeme Goldsworthy. This book focuses on the method Goldsworthy developed and used over the last several decades. It is the reflection on a lifetime of work by a faithful Bible teacher. Everyone won’t agree with all of Goldsworthy’s particular emphases, but his recovery of the Old Testament for Christian preaching is his greatest gift to the church. This book fleshes out where his inspiration comes from and makes for a great read. Read my review for more on this book.

Invitation to Biblical Interpretation: Exploring the Hermeneutical Triad of History, Literature, and Theology by Andreas Kostenberger and Richard PattersonBest “Commentary & Reference” bookInvitation to Biblical Interpretation: Exploring the Hermeneutical Triad of History, Literature, and Theology by Andreas Kostenberger and Richard Patterson (Kregel). I still joke about the beginning of this volume. 13 pages of endorsements – 39 in all. I think the publishers got carried away a bit in their excitement about the title. But just picking up this volume and leafing through it is all it takes to agree with them. It is the most useful work on hermeneutics I’ve ever seen, arranged beautifully, indexed and then full of applications and practical exercises. I’m sure it will soon find a wide use in college and seminary classrooms and a warm welcome in Bible institutes and Sunday Schools everywhere. Read my review for more on this book.

Bloodlines: Race, Cross, and the Christian by John PiperBest “General Christian Interest” bookBloodlines: Race, Cross, and the Christian by John Piper (Crossway). John Piper shares his own experiences with racism in the deep south, in this moving book. He challenges the conservative church to wake up to its nascent racism and do some serious soul searching. Particularly intriguing is Piper’s explanation of the five points of Calvinism and how they should make us more loving and accepting of minorities, rather than proud and condemnatory. His characteristic passion bleeds through every page of this well named title. Read my review for more on this book.

Accidental Pharisees: Avoiding Pride, Exclusivity, and the Other Dangers of Overzealous Faith by Larry OsborneBest “Christian Living” bookAccidental Pharisees: Avoiding Pride, Exclusivity, and the Other Dangers of Overzealous Faith by Larry Osborne (Zondervan). It takes a certain personality and special gift to be able to tell people that they are really a self-righteous Pharisee at heart, and do so with a smile on one’s face. Larry Osborne disarms the reader even as he performs delicate heart surgery. So many of us have a tendency toward exclusivity, legalism and better-than-thou-ism. Osborne helps us to see what lies at the root of this tendency and simultaneously encourages and challenges us to pursue the radical freedom that Christ extends to us. Read my review for more on this book.

The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max by Andrew ComingsBest “Missions & Church Life” bookThe Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max by Andrew Comings (Engage Faith Press). This title would have won my fiction category, but I needed a missions or church title. This is the best book that most of my readers haven’t heard about. It’s a first novel, and published in a serial format. It does have a certain comic book character, but the writing is top-notch. Edge of your seat stuff, seriously, with a real Christian message. I think I described the story as Indiana Jones meets David Livingstone, and that about sums up this exciting title. Read my review for more on this book.

Matthew Henry: His Life and Influence by Allan HarmanBest “Church History & BiographyMatthew Henry: His Life and Influence by Allan Harman (Christian Focus). For a true story of a godly man, this book is hard to beat. Almost everyone has heard of Matthew Henry, or at least used his commentary, which is easily the most widely printed and accessible Bible Commentary ever. But few of us know much about Matthew Henry the man. This book is a very readable account of Henry that will educate and inspire the reader. Read my review for more on this book.


The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God by Tim KellerBest “Childrens & Family” bookThe Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God by Tim Keller (Dutton). I listened to the audio version of this book, and I enjoyed it so much I bought the hardback copy too. Anything by Keller is worth reading but his thoughts on marriage are priceless. He brings a unique blend of Biblical wisdom and realistic reflection sprinkled with insights from popular culture and research. I’ve read scores of books on marriage but this stands alone. It’s counter-cultural for both the world and its secularism, and the Church and its baptized romanticism. For more on this book, see this book excerpt. My review is forthcoming.

Lady Jane Grey by Simonetta CarrHonorable MentionLady Jane Grey by Simonetta Carr (Reformation Heritage). This is a beautifully produced book on a true Christian heroine. I don’t remember hearing the story of Lady Jane Grey before, or at least realizing that she viewed her suffering as a persecution for her faith. This book includes a touching letter written by Jane to her sister exhorting her to continue in the faith despite what trials may await her. This is a truly inspirational title that I’m thrilled to be able to have my girls read. Read my review for more on this book.

The Last Temple by Hank Hanegraaf and Sigmund BrouwerBest “Fiction” bookThe Last Temple by Hank Hanegraaf and Sigmund Brouwer (Tyndale House). With this title, I had to go back and read the first two books in the series first. I wasn’t sure what to expect with Hanegraaf’s series and was pleased to find it wasn’t a polemic against other end times positions so much as it was a very well conceived story in its own right that does follow a partial preterist interpretation of the Book of Revelation. The attention to detail bring the years before A.D. 70 to life as we follow the characters around the Roman world, from Rome to Alexandria, on sea and over land, to dungeons, arenas, and even to the cross itself on a hillside in Judea. We are inside and outside Jerusalem in the years leading up to its devastation, and the story is believable yet mysterious and keeps you guessing until the end. It’s a rewarding tale in its own right and also serves to show how the Book of Revelation may have been understood in its own day. For more on this book, view the book trailer. My review is forthcoming available here.

All the Rest:

In 2012, I reviewed 24 books — bringing the total of my book and media reviews to 139 from more than 35 different publishers. I slowed down my pace of reviews this year, probably due to the pace of life speeding up (we had our sixth child last year). You can see all my reviews listed here. I did read 47 books, and you can see that list at Goodreads.

For my previous “Bob’s Best Books” lists, see below.

Additionally, if you are an avid reader, you may want to follow my reviews or friend me on Goodreads or LibraryThing.

Sermon Download: The Parable of the Generous Father

I was blessed to be able to fill in for our pastor again this Sunday. This was my second “New Years” sermon (see this one from last year).

If you don’t have time to listen to the entire sermon (which is only around 35 minutes), please do look over my notes. I believe this message is really important as it reveals the heart of the Gospel – the Father’s generous love and amazing grace.

I didn’t depend exclusively on any one resource for my message, but I was influenced heavily by Tim Keller’s book The Prodigal God: Recovering the Heart of the Christian Faith. That book is a quick read and would make a great book to start 2013 out with. I highly recommend it. (You can pick up a copy inexpensively from Amazon,, or Westminster Bookstore.)

Enjoy the sermon and if you have any feedback, please feel free to share a comment or contact me.

          Place: Beacon of Hope Church, St. Paul
          Date: December 30, 2012
          Title: The Parable of the Generous Father
          Text: Luke 15:1-3, 11-32
          Notes: Download PDF
          Audio Link: Listen online or download (right click the link and
          save it to your computer)