Book Recommendation: “Grandpa’s Box: Retelling the Biblical Story of Redemption”

Grandpa’s Box: Retelling the Biblical Story of Redemption is a book for children which has the characters in the tale hearing the Bible stories retold by their grandfather. I’m reading this book to my girls right now, and they are fascinated by it and enjoy hearing the retelling of the Bible stories with the reactions to the stories by the children listening to the stories in the book. My eight year-old appreciates it the most as it is more on her level, but even my three and five year-olds enjoy the book.

The book promises to tell the whole Bible story of redemption, and comes highly recommended. I just learned today that Westminster Bookstore has the book at 50% off for a limited time (now through June 14). If you’re looking for a good book to use for family Bible time, I recommend this work. Pick it up during the sale, and it’s only $7.00.

Publisher’s Description: “It wa a wooden box, simply made. “˜I guess you could call it my war chest,’ Grandpa said. As the children peered into the box, they saw many small figures – animals, people, and objects of all kinds. A number of them were carved from wood.”

Learn along with Marc and Amy as Grandpa uses his special box of wooden carvings to illustrate the wonderful stories of the Bible to children. From Genesis to Revelation, Grandpa shows how the stories of the Bible fit as episodes in the one story of God’s redemption of His people. Children will come away with a deeper understanding of God’s plan of redemption told throughout all of Scripture. Even those children who already know the stories of the Bible will learn more about God and his plan for saving His people.

Click here to read a sample chapter, or here to see the included study guide. Use this link to purchase the book through Westminster Bookstore.

Four Picture Books from Eerdmans

The following is a collection of new picture books from Eerdmans Books’ Young Readers imprint. Each of these books are beautifully produced and full of color — bound to attract little eyes. Here is a mini-review of each book, with an excerpt from the publisher’s book description.

Images of God for Young Children by Marie-Helene Delval, illustrated by Barbara Nascimbeni

How do you explain an abstract idea to children? This book tries to explain who God is by means of visual, concrete images or analogies that young children can grasp. 40 different themes, such as “God is light, God is savior, God is a promise” are explored by means of a full page, thought-provoking illustration, as well as a few sentences which try to explain this description of God in simple terms. The illustrations are superb, and the book promises to offer an opportunity for parents to teach in their own words, who God is to their children as they work through this book.

From the book’s description:

The Bible describes God in many different ways: God is light; God is joy; God is wisdom. God is the beauty that fills the earth and the rock we stand on, the promises we live by and the fire that purifies us. This volume offers a collection of these images, presented in simple language that young readers can easily understand.

This book’s bright artwork and lyrical text, written by the bestselling author of Psalms for Young Children, explores how, even though we cannot see or touch God, we can still discover him in our world.

You can pick up a copy of this title at, or direct from Eerdmans Books.

Now It Is Summer by Eileen Spinelli, illustrated by Mary Newell DePalma

This title describes the seasons and the longing for autumn fun, even though it is summer now. The book is beautifully illustrated and focuses on a family of mice. The poetic story has a cadence that young readers will enjoy, and the idea of a family of mice enjoying the seasons is sure to capture their imagination.

From the book’s description:

As a young mouse eagerly looks forward to everything that autumn will bring “” friends at school, fallen leaves to play in, pumpkins to carve “” his mother gently encourages him to join in all the summery joys that surround him right now “” dancing fireflies, sunny beaches, peaches fresh from the orchard. In this delightful tale, a follow-up to her book Now It Is Winter, Eileen Spinelli reminds readers of all ages that they can be content in the moment and find happiness wherever they are. Children are sure to love Mary Newell DePalma’s soft and whimsical paintings of mice celebrating summer.

You can pick up a copy of this title at, or direct from Eerdmans Books.

Vincent van Gogh and the Colors of the Wind by Chiara Lossani, illustrated by Octavia Monaco

Vincent Van Gogh’s life may not seem to have many redemptive qualities about it, from a Christian perspective. But his art is powerful and expressive. Van Gogh’s passionate life was sadly cut short by sin, and serves as a testament to our fallen world. The wonder of God’s creation captivated and deeply moved Van Gogh. Van Gogh’s story can serve to teach our children greater lessons about life, God and sin. While the author of this book doesn’t apply the life lessons that are to be learned, this book for older children could be a helpful avenue for parents to bring up a discussion of deeper life issues and concerns. I should note, Van Gogh killed himself, may have had mental problems, and the book describes these parts of Van Gogh’s story as well as one of his sinful romps. I wouldn’t recommend this book for young readers, or for indiscriminate use by older readers.

From the book’s description:

“Painters teach us to see,” Vincent van Gogh wrote to his brother Theo. But when Vincent’s contemporaries looked at him, many of them saw only a madman “” “dressed like a scarecrow wandering in the fields with canvases under one arm and paintbrushes under the other.”

But Vincent followed his passion and listened to the lessons nature taught him about light, shadows, shapes, and colors. And now that “madman” is one of the most famous painters in the world.

Inspired by letters that Vincent wrote to Theo, his closest friend and constant encourager, the text of Vincent van Gogh and the Colors of the Wind is vibrantly illustrated in a style that recalls the paintings of the artist himself. The book also includes fourteen reproductions of van Gogh’s actual paintings. This lyrical story provides a thoughtful and fresh look at the life of one of the world’s most famous artists.

You can pick up a copy of this title at, or direct from Eerdmans Books.

Loon Summer by Barbara Santucci, illustrated by Andrea Shine

The Bible doesn’t encourage divorce, but it testifies to the painful reality of it. In our world today, divorce is a major problem. This problem painfully impacts children, and even Christian children. How are children to cope with the reality of a new divorce? While I would hope that divorce would be rare in conservative Christian circles, I know it isn’t. I never really thought about what to do with and how to help children affected by the problems of their parents before. I’ve been blessed to not have to think too carefully about this up until recently. This book from Eerdmans is an attempt to help express the emotions and difficulties of a young girl who realizes family vacations aren’t and won’t be the same without having both her mom and dad with her. The dad and his daughter spend time together at the lake in their cabin. By the end of the book, the girl is more at peace with this new reality, she loves her dad, and her mom both. It’s sad reading, but I think for older children recently impacted by divorce or even with the death of a parent, this book may help them cope and be a blessing.

From the book’s description:

My first morning on the lake I hear the loons.
Their sad songs remind me that Mom isn’t
coming to the cottage this summer.

Rainie knows that this summer will be different. As she and her dad do the things they’ve always done at the cottage, Rainie is painfully aware of her mom’s absence. Throughout the summer Rainie watches a pair of loons on the lake””watches as they lay eggs, hatch babies, and are together as a loon family.

“My teacher says loons stay together for life. Why can’t you and Mom?” she asks her dad.

Loon Summer is an authentic, hopeful story of a child adjusting to the difficult reality of changes in her own family. As summer progresses, Rainie grows in her trust and understanding of the unconditional love each of her parents will always have for her.

You can pick up a copy of this title at, or direct from Eerdmans Books. For this title, there is also a helpful, free discussion guide.

Disclaimer: These books were provided by Eerdman Books for review. I was under no obligation to offer a favorable review.

“The Lightlings” by R.C. Sproul

Have you ever wondered why stories have such power to move us? Why children sit mesmerized when they hear a fairy tale, and why people inevitably share their own personal stories when they get together?

Stories move us because we are part of a bigger story, “The Story”. As Christians, we know the beginning and the end of that story, and all its major plot twists and turns. We don’t know exactly how our life story will fit into it, but we have faith that it will.

R.C. Sproul has the gift of storytelling, and has written several stories for children. In The Lightlings, Sproul tells “The Story” by means of an allegory. He casts the world as peopled by lightlings, children of the King of Light. He depicts the fall, and their flight into darkness. He then paints a beautiful picture of a baby full of light, who is to be the Light of the World. This allegory is applied to children well by Sproul’s setting it as a story told to a child wondering why he is afraid of the dark. The answer is a tale told by his grandfather, and then applied to the child’s own circumstances at the end of the book.

The story is beautiful and has numerous points of contact with the true Biblical story of creation, fall and redemption. At the end of the book, several discussion questions are listed with Biblical verses in a “For Parents” section. These points don’t exhaust the allegory but open it up to those who may be more unfamiliar with the Biblical meta-narrative depicted in the tale.

The illustrations by Justin Gerard are stunning. He captures light well, which is necessary in illustrating this particular story. The pictures are attractive to kids of all ages, and depicting the lightlings as fairies helps the story compete with other children’s tales that remain ever popular.

Christian parents must seek to get as many Christian resources as possible into the hands of our children. This book will provide opportunities to discuss the Gospel with children of all ages, particularly those in preschool and elementary school. And if you like this story, Sproul has other allegorical children’s books available as well.

I wish more children’s books today were like The Lightlings. The power of the story is not as often used as it should in capturing the hearts of our children. I cannot recommend this book more highly. If you have children, it is definitely a must have tool for the Christian parent.

Pick up a copy of this book at, Westminster Bookstore or directly from Reformation Trust.

Disclaimer: This book was provided by Reformation Trust Publishing for review. The reviewer was under no obligation to offer a favorable review.

“What’s in the Bible?” DVDs by Phil Vischer

As a father, I’m always looking out for wholesome programming for my children. My kids have enjoyed VeggieTales, so I was intrigued when I heard that VeggieTales creater Phil Vischer, had developed a new series: “What’s in the Bible?”. When I got my review copy, I was pleasantly surprised. I didn’t expect to like the series this much!

The new episodes feature muppet-like puppets, animation and interaction with Phil personally. The characters are varied including, a “Sunday School lady”, an anchor man “Buck Denver”, and more. Phil and the characters teach the storyline of the Bible.

In the Beginning, focuses on what the Bible is, and the first half of Genesis. Let My People Go covers the call of Abraham through the end of Exodus. The varied segments, enjoyable characters, unique settings, and the fast-paced teaching combine to capture the attention of kids. Several puns are appreciated by older viewers as well. My kids were spellbound.

More important in my estimation is how the emphasis is on the Bible’s overall story, rather than the heroics of the Biblical characters. The DVDs don’t hone in on how much faith Abraham had and the suffering of Joseph. Instead they tell the larger story, the meta-narrative, of the Bible. This is the “story of redemption” . Important themes are also addressed. Salvation, redemption, atonement, forgiveness” these basic Christian doctrines are explained.

At times, difficult questions (like canonization and the Apocrypha) are explored in a somewhat simplistic manor. But the fact that the show would address such matters gives insight into its aim. These DVDs aren’t about simple entertainment, they aim to instill an affection for the “story of redemption” in the hearts of our children. I recommend them highly.

My thanks go out to Tyndale House for providing me with an advance review copy of the DVDs. I was not obligated to give a favorable review.

Be sure to watch the trailer for a preview. Visit or Tyndale House for more information. You can pick up a copy at your local Christian bookstore, or through

Don’t forget to enter my free contest for a gift certificate for a free copy of both of the first 2 DVDs in the What’s in the Bible series. Contest closes Friday night, 3/19/2010.

One more thing, you can download coloring sheets for the characters in the DVD here [.zip file].

“What’s in the Bible” DVD Giveaway

I am participating in the “What’s in the Bible” DVD blog tour this week, sponsored by Tyndale House Publishers. I will be reviewing these new DVDs from Phil Vischer (the creator of Veggie Tales) later this week on my blog. Along with reviewing the new kids series, I will also be giving away to one of my readers, two certificates good for a free copy of the first two DVDs which together cover Genesis and Exodus.

UPDATE: Read my review of these new DVDs here.

Contest Details:

Fill in your name and email below to enter the giveaway for the first 2 What’s in the Bible DVDs. You can follow me on Twitter or subscribe to my blog today, and still qualify for the additional entries.

Plus, there’s an additional step to win 2 additional entries. If you subscribe to my new team book review blog:, you qualify. Just go over and check out the new blog and click “subscribe”!

Contest will end Friday night 3/12 at 8pm CST. Winner will be mailed a Tyndale House gift certificate to take to their local Christian bookstore which is good for a free copy of the DVD.

Use the contact form below to enter the free contest.

Contest is now closed, thanks for participating.

The winner is Marcelo Sanchez!!

Congratulations, your certificates will be mailed out shortly.