Despite what many have said or heard, Calvinism does not negate or downplay evangelism. Charles Spurgeon, George Whitefield, William Carey, and Adoniram Judson were not exceptions to the rule. Rather, they are simply some noteworthy examples of evangelists and preachers who were both Calvinistic in theology and evangelistic in practice.
Of course, Spurgeon said it best. When asked why his doctrine of election did not move him to preach only to the elect, Spurgeon replied: “If you’ll go around and pull up their shirttails so I can see if they have an E stamped on their back, I will.” ¹
That God elected people to salvation from before the creation of the world, does not mean He does not choose to use means — human means — to bring that salvation about. God has ordained that no one be saved apart from hearing the word (i.e. the gospel) — Rom. 10:17, 1 Pet. 1:22-25, James 1:18.
I’ve explored how Calvinism and Evangelism are not at odds, in an earlier post here. Today, I want to encourage you to listen to my pastor, John Piper’s most recent message which illustrates how Calvinism informs evangelism.
We don’t have to assume it’s all or nothing — that we must win the person to Christ in this one encounter, or else. We don’t have to be overly concerned with how well we do in presenting the gospel. Ultimately, God is the one who saves, and he uses every meager human attempt for His purposes. No labor for the Lord is in vain — Is. 55:11, 1 Cor. 15:58. Instead, we should be joyful partners with God in His task. We should open our mouths obediently, and fit in to God’s plan in the unique ways He’s gifted us.
I’d encourage you all to listen to this message. Especially those coming from a fundamentalist background. The message (which is actually a follow up to last week’s message), both liberates and challenges. May God help us all to implement some of the many practical tips, Pastor Piper shares. May we all strive to be better proclaimers of the glorious Gospel of God’s grace.
Here are the messages:
I’m Sending You to Open Their Eyes — April 13
You Are God’s Midwife in the New Birth of Others — April 6
¹ This quote is taken from John MacArthur’s account of this in his book Nothing but the Truth: Upholding the Gospel in a Doubting Age (Wheaton: Good News Publishers, 1999), pg. 151-152.