“Fearless: Imagine Your Life Without Fear” by Max Lucado

Author: Max Lucado
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 221
ISBN: 9780849921391
Stars: 4 of 5

Fearless is the latest book from best selling author, Max Lucado. In fact it officially releases today. I jumped at the chance to receive an advance review copy of this book, partly because I had never read Lucado before. I’ve heard good things of his writing, but had just never read one of his books. Often, popularity doesn’t translate all that well into Biblical faithfulness, so I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from Max Lucado. As I worked my way through the book, I found it not only faithful, but accessible, well-written and timely.

Lucado interweaves stories, analogies and practical Christian advice in a masterful fashion. Each chapter focuses on a specific species of fear. He examines the fear and brings the Scriptures to bear upon it. The book also includes excellent discussion questions for each chapter. They would serve well as a general outline for small group sessions. Usually discussion questions are minimal, but with Fearless, they include a time of discussing the particular fear at hand, Scripture passages to look up and some final application questions.

Max Lucado displays a well-seasoned faith and he knows how to address the spectrum of fears that face us today. His pastoral warmth shines through the book. I particularly enjoyed his thoughts on parenting and fear for the well-being of your children.

We can take our parenting fears to Christ. In fact, if we don’t, we’ll take our fears out on our kids. Fear turns some parents into paranoid prison guards who monitor every minute, check the background of ever friend. They stifle growth and communicate distrust…

On the other hand, fear can also create permissive parents. For fear that their child will feel too confided or fenced in, they lower all boundaries. High on hugs and low on discipline. They don’t realize that appropriate discipline is an expression of love. Permissive parents. Paranoid parents. How can we avoid the extremes? We pray.

Prayer is the saucer into which parental fears are poured to cool. Jesus says so little about parenting, makes no comments about spanking, breast-feeding, sibling rivalry, or schooling. Yet his actions speak volumes about prayer. Each time a parent prays, Christ responds. His big message to moms and dads? Bring your children to me. Raise them in a greenhouse of prayer. (pg. 60)

The book’s conclusion addresses how to react to the fear that is so rampant in this dark time of economic upheaval and terrorism on a global scale.

Let others breathe the polluted air of anxiety, not us. Let’s be numbered among those who hear a different voice, God’s. Enough of these shouts of despair, wails of doom. Why pay heed to the doomsdayer on Wall Street or the purveyor of gloom in the newspaper? We will incline our ears elsewhere: upward. We will turn to our Maker, and because we do, we will fear less. (pg. 177-178)

I confidently recommend Fearless. You will be enjoy the book and be encouraged to trust God more

Disclaimer: This book was provided by the publisher. The reviewer was under no obligation to offer a positive review.

This book is available for purchase at the following sites: Amazon.com or direct from Thomas Nelson.

Music Mondays: “Desert Song” by Brooke Fraser

Music Monday posts highlight the music which touched my heart on Sunday. I pray the message of these songs will help us all to live in the spirit of Worship all week long.

Two Sundays ago I heard this song for the first time. It followed a heartfelt, God-centered, prayer by a man whose wife only has weeks to live. Perhaps it was the juxtaposition of this song following the prayer of that man that made it so meaningful to me. It speaks of why we can praise God even in hard times. If you’re like me, you’ve had a few hard times yourself. May this song minister to you like it did to me.

Desert Song

Words & Music by Brooke Fraser
Arranged by Joel Mott

This is my prayer in the desert
When all that’s within me feels dry
This is my prayer in my hunger and need
My God is the God who provides

This is my prayer in the fire
In weakness or trial or pain
There is a faith proved of more worth than gold
So refine me Lord through the flame

I will bring praise, I will bring praise
No weapon formed against me shall remain
I will rejoice, I will declare
God is my victory and He is here

This is my prayer in the battle
When triumph is still on its way
I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ
So firm on His promise I’ll stand

All of my life
In every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship

This is my prayer in the harvest
When favour and providence flow
I know I’m filled to be emptied again
The seed I’ve received I will sow.

 ©2008 Hillsong Publishing (Admin. in U.S. by Integrity’s Hosanna! Music)

You can listen to the entire song by watcing this video clip. There’s also a touching story surrounding the song, one of the performers (or possibly the author??) had just lost a premature baby. The song gave her strength to make it in that tough time.

The song is also available for a free listen at rhapsody.com. Sheet music can be previewed (and purchased) easily at this link. I also stumbled across many comments about the song and its impact at this link.

Finally, this song is a Hillsong production, and is showcased on their This is Our God CD. You can pick up a copy at Amazon.com. Learn more about Hillsong, at hillsongmusic.com.