A New Song for the Nations

My pastor, John Piper, made some interesting comments on the concept of a “new song” in this week’s sermon. He made an important observation of how Ps. 96, which is a missions psalm, is also very much concerned with singing. I was encouraged as he shared how the global church is having a revival of singing to the Lord, in our day.

My fundamentalist ears noticed he used “new song” in its most natural way of referring to a new-in-time song commemorating a new work the Lord has done on our behalf. But that’s beside the point. I’d encourage you to listen to the last 5-10 minutes or so of the sermon here (if not the whole thing). And I’m going to copy the relevant portion of the condensed print version of the sermon below.

…you can’t summon the nations to sing if you are not singing. So let me suggest why in this global missionary context the psalm would stress singing new songs. Notice that these new songs are “to the Lord.” Not just about the Lord. Verse 1: “Sing to the Lord a new song.” It’s not wrong to sing about the Lord. The Psalms do it all the time. But when new songs are being written and composed and sung “to the Lord,” something is happening in the church. It’s a sign of unusual life and vibrancy. People are not just living off the spiritual capital of previous generations, but they are dealing vibrantly with the living God and their songs are being sung to him. He is real. He is personal. He is known. He is precious. He is present. Worship is more intense and more personal and more engaging.

A New Song in Our Day

That is what the psalm calls for, and that is what has been happening during my entire adult life. Around the world there is a new song and a new vibrancy and a new personal engagement in singing to the Lord. And the really astonishing thing in our time is the way this awakening of singing to the Lord with new songs has such a strong global and missionary flavor. To my knowledge singing has never been more at the forefront of missions as it is today.

God is doing something wonderful in the fulfillment of Psalm 96. It is far bigger than any one church, or any one ethnic group, or any one region of the world. The global church is singing””singing to the Lord, singing new songs, and singing about God’s Lordship over the nations.

And I would simply say: Don’t miss what God is doing. Be a part of it. Get the nations on your heart. Think rightly about God’s global purposes. Feel deeply about his marvelous works. Sing with all your heart to the Lord. And be a part of summoning the nations to join you.

The Center of Our Singing

And may the center of our singing be the same as the center of the new song we will sing in the age to come, namely, the song of the Lamb who was slain.

And they sang a new song, saying, “Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation, and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth.” (Revelation 5:9–10)

Amen! May the Lord grant a renewed growth to His world-wide church. May more and more nations and people groups be added to the number of those singing praise to the Lamb!

How Calvinism Informs Evangelism

Despite what many have said or heard, Calvinism does not negate or downplay evangelism. Charles Spurgeon, George Whitefield, William Carey, and Adoniram Judson were not exceptions to the rule. Rather, they are simply some noteworthy examples of evangelists and preachers who were both Calvinistic in theology and evangelistic in practice.

Of course, Spurgeon said it best. When asked why his doctrine of election did not move him to preach only to the elect, Spurgeon replied: “If you’ll go around and pull up their shirttails so I can see if they have an E stamped on their back, I will.”  ¹

That God elected people to salvation from before the creation of the world, does not mean He does not choose to use means — human means — to bring that salvation about. God has ordained that no one be saved apart from hearing the word (i.e. the gospel) — Rom. 10:17, 1 Pet. 1:22-25, James 1:18.

I’ve explored how Calvinism and Evangelism are not at odds, in an earlier post here. Today, I want to encourage you to listen to my pastor, John Piper’s most recent message which illustrates how Calvinism informs evangelism.

We don’t have to assume it’s all or nothing — that we must win the person to Christ in this one encounter, or else. We don’t have to be overly concerned with how well we do in presenting the gospel. Ultimately, God is the one who saves, and he uses every meager human attempt for His purposes. No labor for the Lord is in vain — Is. 55:11, 1 Cor. 15:58. Instead, we should be joyful partners with God in His task. We should open our mouths obediently, and fit in to God’s plan in the unique ways He’s gifted us.

I’d encourage you all to listen to this message. Especially those coming from a fundamentalist background. The message (which is actually a follow up to last week’s message), both liberates and challenges. May God help us all to implement some of the many practical tips, Pastor Piper shares. May we all strive to be better proclaimers of the glorious Gospel of God’s grace.

Here are the messages:

I’m Sending You to Open Their Eyes — April 13

You Are God’s Midwife in the New Birth of Others — April 6

 ¹ This quote is taken from John MacArthur’s account of this in his book Nothing but the Truth: Upholding the Gospel in a Doubting Age (Wheaton: Good News Publishers, 1999), pg. 151-152.

Piper & Carson on Essential Doctrines

Recently we’ve been debating the idea of whether certain doctrines should be considered fundamental or essential, and others merely secondary. Most Christians and even fundamentalists do admit that there are essential doctrines that are more important than others. However, as my last installment of my church’s elder confession of faith shows, this doesn’t mean other doctrines are not important.

With these thoughts on my mind, I was surprised to find a recent discussion of this very topic from my church’s most recent conference. At the 2008 Bethlehem Conference for Pastors, they had a panel discussion on a variety of topics. One of the questions was “What makes a doctrine essential?” John Piper and D.A. Carson did a good job discussing that question. I took the conference video (available for download), and tried to cut it down to just this question: unfortunately, during the last 2 minutes, the audio and video are a little out of sync, but not too much.


Update: I should also note that I thought Carson’s warning about “being prophetic from the margins” was similar to my contention that majoring on the minors belittles the Gospel. Also, if anyone can’t view the video online, or download the original video, they can read the transcript.

The Big "If": John Piper's Father on Perseverance and Eternal Security

Regular readers of this blog know I am not big on the “once saved, always saved” idea. I think it belittles the Bible’s emphasis on the necessity of persevering faith, and I don’t think it represents an orthodox view of eternal security. Salvation is no “tattoo”, Pastor Charles Stanley, not withstanding (see post linked above).

Since I had my 1 John 2:19 epiphany moment, the Bible’s teaching on perseverance and continuance in the faith has become clearer and clearer to me. And always ever more vital. Yet whenever one tries to explain it, he inevitably encounters many deaf ears, or stunned looks. Modern Christianity has biased us against grasping that faith must be alive and enduring for it to be a true saving faith.

John Piper recently shared a brief 4 minute audio clip of his father preaching on Colossians 1:23 — “IF indeed you continue in the faith, stable and steadfast…

I thought that clip, from a fundamentalistic SBC evangelist, was excellent. He explains the double nature of perseverance excellently. If we are really a possessor, then we are going to endure. And if we don’t endure, we are just a professor. Yet all the possessors are eternally secure. There I go again: tripping over my words trying to explain an important point. Stop reading and listen to Bill Piper, won’t you?

And if you care to read more from me on this subject, check out my posts on perseverance.

Oxygenating Your Spiritual Life

Are you blue in the face?

Going without oxygen, or with too little oxygen makes one blue. And going too long without meditating on God’s Word makes one blue as well.

Yesterday’s sermon, by my pastor John Piper (will be available for download here from Desiring God) emphasized our need to be meditating on the Gospel and reading our Bibles. His text was James 1:21.

Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.

He focused on the second half of the verse. Why do we receive the word, when it is already implanted? This is the “word of truth” by which we have been born again, already (vs. 18). So why do we still need to be receiving the word?

Just because we are alive, doesn’t mean we don’t need to breathe. Rather, since we are alive, our bodies demand that we breathe. Breathing is necessary for life, but breathing doesn’t make our hearts beat.

Similarly, Piper reasons, if we are genuinely saved, and spiritually alive, we will want to breathe. And breathing is necessary for our life. The word is able to save our souls, but only if we receive it with meekness. Of course, a genuinely saved person will receive it with meekness.

So the Bible, and particularly the gospel message contained in it (“word of truth” primarily refers to the message of Gospel–good news of Jesus) is vital for our spiritual well being. If we don’t humble ourselves and fill ourselves with it continually, we prove that we have no real life. And availing ourselves of the Bible, reminding ourselves constantly of the Gospel, proves to sustain and nourish our spiritual life.

So aim with me this year to do a better job of oxygenating your spiritual life, by God’s grace and for His glory and our joy.

Note: I’ll add the link to Piper’s message, when it is available. I hope also to recap last year’s blogging and focus on 2008 in a post here soon.

UPDATE: Check out these Bible Reading plans available for download from NavPress. Our church uses the Discipleship Journal plan.

UPDATE 2: Here is the link to Piper’s sermon.